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Ambassadors Reclaim The Christmas Message Of Peace & Love

Ambassadors From World Over Reclaim The Christmas Message: Peace & Love

Ambassadors From World Over Reclaim The Christmas Message: Peace & Love

WFY BUREAU: The Foundation for Leadership and Governance, in association with the Christian Embassy, hosted a spectacular Christmas banquet in the capital city of New Delhi yesterday, December 14, 2023.

The evening witnessed the august attendance of ambassadors, high commissioners, diplomats, bureaucrats, Members of Parliament, and eminent personalities, along with their spouses, partners, and friends.

Christmas carols, prayers for the nations, a Christmas message, and dinner in the august company of esteemed guests, including ambassadors, high commissioners, and civil servants, were the highlights of the evenings.

Among those who were present are Hon. Mr. Alojz Peterle, Former Prime Minister of Slovenia; H.E. Alberto Guani, Ambassador of Uruguay; Mr. Benjamin Levi, Director, Global Leadership Geneva; Mr. John Barla, Hon’ble Minister of Minority Affairs; Mr. Shashi Tharoor, Hon’ble Member of Parliament; Mr. P Wilson, Hon’ble Member of Parliament; civil servants, diplomats, and representatives of various diplomatic missions in India.

Notable individuals, including Mr. Melwyn Williams, Chairman and Founder of Indian Diaspora Global, as well as representatives from the ESAF Bank and the media fraternity, attended the celebrations with much enthusiasm.

The event is organised by the Foundation of Leadership and Governance, led by Mr. John Samuel, former Chief Post Master General, Govt. of India. Mr. Samuel welcomed the guests of the evening and gave a keynote address to the gathering.

Last evening, ambassadors from various countries based in New Delhi came together to celebrate Christmas with joyful carol singing and a festive banquet at the Claridges Hotel.

Ambassadors from over 170 foreign embassies and high commissions in Delhi attended the event on December 14, 2023. Under the esteemed presidency of His Excellency Mr. Alberto Guani, Ambassador of Uruguay, the special guest for the Ambassadors Christmas Banquet was the honourable Mr. Alojz Peterle, former Prime Minister of Slovenia. Mr. Peterle, who served as Slovenia’s first democratically elected Prime Minister in May 1990, played a significant role in the country’s path to independence and held notable positions in European politics and diplomacy. He enthralled the guests with his harmonica rendition of the carols.

Throughout his career, Mr. Alojz Peterle has been recognised and honoured for his exceptional contributions, including awards such as the Honorary Sign of Freedom of the Republic of Slovenia, the Alois Mock Europa Ring, the European of the Year 2003 (European Voice), and the Robert Schuman Medal, which recognises individuals who have worked towards peace, the advancement of Europe, and human values.

Dr. Benjamin Levi Moses, Executive Director of Global Leadership Geneva-Bern, delivered his Christmas message. Dr. Moses is a respected leader and expert in leadership, diplomacy, peacebuilding, and nation-building. He holds several key positions, including Executive Director of Global Leadership Geneva-Bern and Director of Relational Peace-Building Initiatives.

In addition to the enchanting Christmas carols, the event featured classical Christmas music performances, including well-known pieces such as Schubert’s Ave Maria, Cesar Franck’s Panis Angelicus, and Adolphe Adams’ O Holy Night, as well as the popular Twelve Days of Christmas.

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