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Congratulations WFY ! Message from ILA, Bahrain



Dear WFY Team,

On the onset we would like to congratulate you on your first anniversary. The outreach of your media house is amazing and it is an honor to be associated with you. In our journey this year we are very fortunate to have you as our media partner and we can’t thank you enough for choosing to collaborate with us to highlight the hardwork behind the various charity projects at ILA.

Shipra Dhir Passi, President ILA

This year media outreach through WFY  has been very beneficial for us specially, for Sneha Recreational Center as it has helped Sneha to get back the limelight it used to have pre pandemic.. Sneha recreation centre  (which means tender love) is approved by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Kingdom Of Bahrain, is run absolutely free of charge for the  kids with special needs of all nationalities – funded solely through donations and fundraising programs organized by Indian Ladies Association. It was established in December 1987 by Indian ladies association, and  has grown up as a Center providing the children with a cognitive, recreational and educational environment for nearly half a century. Through your media publishings we definately got a very encouraging reponse this yar.

Besdies Sneha,  Indian Ladies Association-Bahrain popularly known as ILA has been a much admired part of the fabric of life in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It is committed for the servicing of the community, and is expressed by its motto – Service Before Self. ILA is an elected body of nine members along with various subcommittees- Workers Welfare Subcommittee, Community Service Subcommittee, Youth Wing Subcommittee, Beauty & Health Subcommittee, Fun and Games Subcommittee, Speakeasy Subcommittee, Share Your Skill Subcommittee, Woman Empowerment Subcommittees. All these sub committees work independently to raise funds and keep the monthly activities for members and community on a regular basis. Apart from their other services includes organizing free medical camps for laborers, celebrating workers day and other special days, providing homemade food and entertainment. Spoken English classes are conducted by the volunteers for the low income group who wish to improve their communication skills. WFY has played a crucial role in its maiden year to highlight each activity and charity initiative and the Association is confident that it can continue to provide a binding factor in the community and creative outlet for Indian women in the kingdom of Bahrain.

With you as our partner,  our events throughout the year have been very extensively covered by WFY like the distribution of dry ration to needy laborers, iftar lunches to the laborers, ILA Iftar Ghabga Dinner where H.E. Shri Piyush Shrivastava, Ambassador of India  to the Kingdom of Bahrain was a chief guest along with the ILA Patron, Mrs. Monica Srivastava. It was our first event where we had Bahraini traditional songs and parade through the gathering and later performances depicting the traditional Ramadan songs of Bahrain showcasing rituals of crushing wheat and sunflower seeds by women in preparation for Ramadan. 

The coverage given by your company has given positive exposure to the Indian Ladies Association at the international level.  Sadhguru was also here in Bahrain on this Save the Soil Campaign, where he spent a good time with Sneha’s kids. The subcommittees have been constantly involved in many community outreach, activities and members events throughout the year, which included laughter challenge, yoga challenge, Rakhi, making workshops for house helps and Rakhi celebrations with the laborers with an intention to  Bringing Brothers & Sisters Abroad Together, Women hormones and oral care along with yoga challenge on one site with glitz and glamour and balancing it with empowering the house help through women environment subcommittee- the list is long but these are few to count and have always made us proud. All these events have been very nicely covered by you, and have given a good exposure to the Indian Ladies Association in the Island of Bahrain. The promotions and online support delivered by you during the Dandiya Ticket Press Launch and  the iconic ILA Grand Dandiya Night, Garba Ni Raat where more than 1500 people from across the island came to enjoy the Indian festival has been very valuable for us.

It also gives us immense pleasure to share that Sneha Recreation Center is coming up with its Sneha Annual Day which is a platform to showcase and demonstrate their talent and skills under the love and supervision of the Sneha teachers, volunteers and coordinators. Its a way of honoring the hardwork and desication of  Sneha volunteers and coordinators.

We would like to appreciate your excellent coverage of our events throughout the year and the entire Executive Committee appreciated your presentation and hard work. Your efforts will definitely help ILA to take its heights. The quality of your work is impeccable, and we look forward to partnering with you again in 2023. 

Warm Regards,

Shipra Dhir Passi |39475574

Hon. President 2022

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