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Good Rhymes …. Good Times.

Good Rhymes.... Good Times

Good Rhymes.... Good Times

It is that time of the year,
When we yearn for our family near,
I speak for us who are far far away,
For the distance seems like it is gonna stay.



When boredom leaves upon us it’s trace,
In friends and neighbors we seek our solace,
We look to each other just to motivate
And let our soulful energy  levitate.



Today I complimented a very dear friend,
Thus she felt she had earned her dividend,
My compliment was straight from the heart,
And she promised she would treat me a tart.



Far far away sings a sparrow on a window,
It triggers thoughts that begin to grow,
It is sure looking to build a nest,
Oh seeing a sparrow I feel so blessed.



Chewink! Chewink! it’s sprightly sound,
Makes me feel happiness is around,
And I feel like a child with a crown
And move with  a spring all around.



It is that time of the year,
When we yearn for our family near,
I speak for us who are far far away,
For the distance seems like it is gonna stay.


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