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Government makes the greatest change in the CBSE syllabus.

The National Framework created in accordance with the new education policy has been the subject of directives from the CBSE Board to the associated schools.

Students in classes 10 and 12 will now study two Indian languages in addition to one foreign language under the new regulations. Three languages must be studied in grades 9–10 and two in grades 11–12. The CBSE has provided guidance to all schools about the National Framework under the new education strategy.

Children studying grades 9 through 10 will study two Indian languages in addition to one foreign language. Children in grades 9 through 10 will now be required to study 10 courses, three of which are language-related. There is now one vocational course and five major courses.

There are set study hours for every subject. Schools have been told to get ready for this. There will be 150 hours of science and social science study, 120 hours of language study, and environmental education.

Additionally, project work of at least 50 hours has been mandated for all subjects.Sixty hours of study in physical education and art: According to Satish Kumar Jha, secretary of the CBSE school group Sahodaya, these subjects are now required.

This includes sixty hours allocated to the arts, physical fitness, and well-being. In grades 9–10, you must pass ten topics. Any foreign language, such as English, French, German, and Spanish, can be included in Language One.In contrast, two Indian languages—Hindi, Sanskrit, Punjabi, and Bengali—have been preserved in Languages 2–3. The three main subjects—mathematics, science, and social science—will continue to be offered.

On the other hand, skill subjects include environmental education, art education, computer education, and physical education.The eleventh grade will consist of six topics, all of which you must pass. class eleventh students will take four more disciplines in addition to two language courses.

Must succeed in these six courses. In addition to marks, there will now be a credit system for each student. Schools have received guidelines about how much credit is assigned to each topic.

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