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Important: High-grade Fever And Flu Outbreaks Here Among Children

It’s been a week, but 12-year-old Rishi Vema of Shalimar Bagh is still suffering from a high fever, a runny nose, a severe headache, and a persistent spasmodic cough. “He first reported a stubborn fever of 104 degrees F,” says his mother, Vinita, who assumed he had caught a virus from her husband, who is still recovering from a severe bout of pneumonia. However, doctors have now diagnosed him with influenza, which is raging among children in the Delhi-NCR region, possibly indicating a strain that they are struggling to avoid or are being exposed to for the first time.

According to Dr. Arvind Kumar, Director and Head of Paediatrics at Fortis, Shalimar Bagh, and Dr. Sumit Ray, Medical Superintendent at Holy Family Hospital in Okhla, the latest outbreak of infection could be caused by a cocktail of viruses that thrive as the days grow hotter. While Dr. Kumar has not tested every patient, Dr. Ray reports that nearly 60–70 percent of his young patients are influenza-positive. Both agree that the number of affected children, while not alarming, is significantly higher than in the previous two years.

Is the surge due to influenza?
According to Dr. Roy, in the vast majority of patients. “Predominantly, it is influenza A and a few cases of influenza B, but because the test is expensive and the symptoms are the same, we are starting medication,” Dr. Kumar said. The worrying part is that paracetamol only temporarily relieves the fever, and the temperature returns within a few hours.

What exactly are the symptoms?
The children may experience a high fever and chills, with temperatures reaching 104 degrees Fahrenheit, a runny nose, a sore throat, a headache, and a dry cough. In some cases, they may experience digestive problems like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

What are the key precautions that parents should take when their children have a high fever or flu?
To ensure your child’s recovery from the flu, parents must take these steps: First, get plenty of rest in bed. Second, encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids. Third, emphasise nutrition because children benefit from eating bland foods. A bland diet is made up of soft, mildly seasoned, low-fibre foods.

Can I keep my child from getting the flu?
Yes. According to doctors, the virus spreads from person to person via droplets released during coughing and sneezing. As a result, keeping your child away from any infected person in an indoor setting is critical. ” Do not allow your children to touch virus-contaminated objects. Dr. Kumar emphasises the importance of proper hand hygiene.

When should someone see a doctor?
Dr. Roy advises that if a child is dull, listless, not eating, and dehydrated after five days, they should be rushed to the hospital.

Dr. Kumar recommends that you monitor your child’s temperature on a regular basis. Children under the age of three should not take over-the-counter cough and cold medications unless prescribed by a doctor. Decongestants and antihistamines will not prevent coughing. A light, soupy diet, immunity-boosting foods, and warm fluids can all help them feel better. Use saline nose drops to remove mucus from the nasal cavities.

How seriously are children being affected?
Doctors point out that the flu virus can cause severe upper respiratory tract infections, pneumonia, and bronchiolitis. In some cases, children may require up to two weeks to recover completely. They may experience digestive discomfort, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

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