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Invisible Touch

Invisible Touch

Invisible Touch

If I draw sight with words
An ocean should be born in your eyes

If I planted a blood rose in the garden,
Rose color should touch your lips.

If I embrace old age
Your touch should cling to me like stubborn wrinkles,

If from the roof top flies away my beloved sparrow
A hundred bulbuls should flutter their wings inside your heart hall.

If I gently touch my sweaty neck
May your soul be thirsty,

If I wrap a blanket of light on the dark sky
May one of your sleepless nights be mine alone.

If I see your heart on the canvas of my mind
Your heartbeat should increase

If I smile gently and write “love “with the scratch of my pen
That day you softly touch my ears with your lips and say, love you…

-A poem by Sarmistha Dey

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