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Is India A Tempting Destination To Do Business Now?

Is India A Tempting Destination To Do Business Now?

Is India A Tempting Destination To Do Business Now?

India is the fastest-growing economy among G20 economies.

India’s economic trajectory through 2024 tells a fascinating story, establishing the country as the fastest-growing G20 economy. Forecasts predict that GDP growth will reach 6.5 percent for fiscal years 2024–25 and rise to 7 percent in 2026. S&P Global expects that India will surpass China’s growth forecast, and even the International Monetary Fund (IMF) anticipates that India will surpass Japan and Germany as the world’s third-largest economies by 2027, with a GDP over US$5 trillion.
With a market value of US$3.989 trillion this year, India’s stock market has risen to become the seventh largest in the world. At the end of November, India’s Nifty 50 index (up 16 percent) surpassed Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index (US$3.984 trillion). Analysts predict that in 2024, banking, healthcare, and energy will outperform, while consumer goods, utilities, and chemicals will lag behind.

India has now reached the S-curve’s key phase, which is marked by a dramatic increase in urbanisation, industrialization, household income, and energy consumption. This period often lasts several decades and is characterised by tremendous expansion in these areas.

Factors influencing India’s positive economic forecast for 2024

Several sources anticipate that the world economy will undergo numerous key developments in 2024:

Despite India’s bright spot in the global economy, with excellent GDP growth estimates for 2024, analysts project that global economic concerns and changes will impact the commercial and economic landscape in the following year. To make educated judgements, investors and businesses should keep a careful eye on these trends and developments.

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