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Know How To Overcome Mental Illness? Beyond Stigma And Taboo

Know How To Overcome Mental Illness? Beyond Stigma And Taboo

Know How To Overcome Mental Illness? Beyond Stigma And Taboo

Mental illnesses have always been considered a topic that needs to either be avoided or silenced, just like taboos. Talking about mental health issues is uncomfortable, and people shy away from this topic. There seems to be a lack of understanding, and people with mental issues refuse or are reluctant to come out with their concerns for fear of being judged and ostracised by society. In the past few years, however, psychological studies and the power of social media have influenced the thought processes of most of mankind, and people have now started talking about it, even if it isn’t a boardroom conversation topic yet.

People suffering from mental illnesses do not discuss this due to the stigma associated with it. Society still labels them as “crazy” “unstable” or even “insane”. Those who have depression, anxiety, or other such illnesses suffer incredible damage to their self-esteem. They sometimes feel ashamed and might isolate themselves and not seek help on time. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the symptoms of the illness. The common misconceptions regarding mental health can be harmful and prevent people from seeking help, and they need to be resolved.

Many times, people think that mental illness is rare. However, according to the World Health Organisation, one in four people in the world will suffer from mental illness at some point in their lives. That puts the probability at 25%, which is not so rare. Another thought is that mental illness causes people to be violent or dangerous. This confusion has been created and supported by the media, but it is gradually being corrected. In reality, people with mental illness are no more likely to be violent than everyone else.

Another myth is that willpower alone is enough to cure mental illnesses. However, it needs to be understood that they too require treatment, just like any physical disease. Not to say the support of loved ones is a major factor in helping the people suffering from them seek treatment and live a healthy life.

Mental illnesses are not a lifelong sentence either. With the right treatment and support from people who can make them feel safe, many people with mental illnesses are able to lead happy and long lives. Recovery is possible if help is sought on time.

It is important to support and understand the issue of mental health and to let go of the misconceptions and prejudices surrounding it. We also need to educate ourselves regarding this so that the stigma and shame associated with mental illnesses can be done away with.

We need to understand that mental illnesses are just like any other illness. Just like physical diseases, they can be caused by many factors: genetic, environmental, or psychological. And just like physical diseases, they can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, or socioeconomic status. We should be willing to accept that mental illness is not a sign of failure or weakness. They require treatment just like physical illnesses.

If someone is struggling with a mental illness, there are many resources for help. They can talk to their doctor or a mental health professional, who will provide them with the correct diagnosis and recommend options to manage the illness, such as therapy and/or medication. There are many support groups and online communities where people talk about their experiences and support each other through the illness. In online communities, people can even remain anonymous until they are ready to reveal their identity to others. It takes courage to ask for help, and this is the first step towards healing and recovery. The stigma will break only when we start talking openly about mental illnesses and create a society where people support those with mental diseases instead of criticising or shaming them.

In conclusion, mental health is an important topic that deserves our attention and understanding. We should strive to create a more compassionate and supportive society and break down the stigma and taboo associated with mental illnesses. If you’re struggling with a mental illness, remember that you are not alone and that there is help available. Let’s continue to speak up and stand up for mental health.

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