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Latest: Here You See Nestle Is Found To Be Sweetening The Infant Formula In India But Not In Europe.

According to research, each serving of Cerelac baby products in India has an average of about three grams of sugar.

An investigation by Public Eye, a Swiss organization, and the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) has revealed that the baby-food brands sold by global giant Nestle in India have high levels of added sugar, whereas similar products are sugar-free in the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, and other developed nations.

According to research, each serving of Cerelac baby products in India has an average of about three grams of sugar. According to the study, the same food is offered in Ethiopia and Thailand with roughly 6 grams of additional sugar, but not in Germany or the UK.

The Investigation claimed that Nestle violates international norms meant to prevent obesity and chronic diseases by adding sugar to newborn milk and cereal products in a number of nations.

Only countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America have violations.

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