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Now: Govt announces schools to stop selling junk food .

Junk food is bad for kids’ general development and attracts pupils.

Junk food is bad for kids’ general development and attracts pupils. Numerous healthful substitutes exist, and they should be promoted. Strict regulations should be implemented by the school administration to prevent junk food from being sold in canteens. If they do, they ought to face harsh consequences. Teachers and parents have a moral obligation to educate pupils about the dangers of junk food and to encourage them to choose healthier options.

junk food as a reason

Weakness and exhaustion :

Consuming junk food causes a host of health issues. Premature childhood obesity is one of the major issues it causes. It also results in weakness and exhaustion. Even with the government’s ban on junk food, schools are unable to prevent pupils from consuming these dangerous foods. Additionally, a large selection of junk food that is made in unsanitary conditions is served in schools.

Educate the youth:

When it comes to making sure that laws and orders are followed, neither the public nor the government are being sincere. The prohibition on the use of polybags is one recent example. Even though there is widespread evidence of the harmful consequences of junk food on human health, the trend has not stopped, particularly among young people and children. Thus, in order to make our younger generation attentive, they must be educated.

Encourage “swadeshi” cuisine:

It is advisable to consult with nutritionists and health professionals to find delicious substitutes that will satisfy students’ cravings. We might enlist Baba Ramdev’s assistance in promoting “swadeshi” foods. Students should be urged to bring tiffin boxes.

Some private schools in the city have already closed their canteens in response to the CCPCR directive, which calls for replacing junk food with wholesome and hygienic options. During lunch break, students bring their lunch boxes from home with nutritious food that they share in small groups. Let all public and private schools be required to participate in this activity.

There should be healthier options on the canteen menu:

The school setting is a vital platform for encouraging and supporting a healthy diet. There should be more healthful options available in school canteen menus. The availability of junk food and beverages near school premises should also be restricted. Schools can designate one day each week when children can eat whatever they want.

The advisory fails to meet its goal:

The idea of outlawing junk food from school canteens is erroneous. The goal of an advise in this direction has not been met. Visual aids should be used to teach parents and kids about the negative effects of junk eating. If the CCPCR and CBSE have sent healthier substitutes, these have to be visible and added to the school canteen’s menu.

Schools ought to stay away from sales :

Although fast food and junk food lack essential nutrients like proteins, carbs, and fiber, they are nonetheless highly consumed by the younger population, especially students, who find them appetizing and readily consumable. These foods are unhealthy and lead to heart problems, indigestion, and obesity. Therefore, it is necessary to outlaw their sale in school canteens and tuck shops.

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