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Promising Conference Held Seeking Dual Citizenship: Know It All Now

Promising Consultation Conference Held Seeking Dual Citizenship: Know It All

Promising Consultation Conference Held Seeking Dual Citizenship: Know It All

Indian Diaspora Global has launched a “Keep the Door Open” campaign to advocate for dual citizenship for the Indian diaspora around the world. The campaign aims to address the challenges faced by Indian migrants who are forced to give up their Indian citizenship when they acquire citizenship in another country due to the current rules. To discuss the legal, constitutional, social, cultural, economic, and legislative aspects of dual citizenship in India in depth, Indian Diaspora Global held a consultation conference at the Constitutional Club of India in Delhi on Tuesday. The Hon’ble MP from Banka, Shri Giridhari Yadav, was present as the chief guest at the consultation conference. Meanwhile, during this time, the founder and chairman of Diaspora Global, Mr. Melwyn Williams, the Mahamandaleshwar and national president of Shri Guru Ravidas Vishwa Mahapeeth Bharat, Shri Suresh Rathore, Indian Diaspora Global Country Head Advocate Saju Francis, senior journalist and programme moderator Mr. Vinay Kumar, and Shri Manoj Singh Tomar were present.

Chief Guest Shri Giridhari Yadav said that dual citizenship could be beneficial for India. He said that many developed countries, such as the United States, have dual citizenship. He also said that India should consider dual citizenship, as it would allow Indian migrants to maintain their ties with India even if they live in another country.

Melwyn Williams, founder and chairman of Indian Diaspora Global, said that dual citizenship would help to keep Indian migrants connected to their roots. He said that many Indian migrants who move abroad for education or work eventually become citizens of their adopted countries. This can lead to a loss of talent and investment for India. Dual citizenship would help to prevent this by allowing Indian migrants to maintain their Indian citizenship.

Sri Guru Ravidas Vishwa Mahapeeth Bharat’s Mahamandaleshwar and National President and MLA Suresh Rathore said, “Dual citizenship is a sensitive issue. In such a case, a person will also become a minister in the Pakistani government and also a minister in the Indian government; it cannot be so. The government needs to think about this.”

Senior journalist and moderator of the event Vinay Kumar said, “We all know the power of the Indian diaspora. Describing it as a burning issue, he said that whether it is the Prime Minister’s foreign tour or any other occasion, we have all seen a glimpse of the power of the Indian diaspora. Dual citizenship is a sensitive issue in India. Today, a woman of Indian origin is the Vice President of the US; the power of the Indian diaspora is increasing with time.”

Mannu Singh Tomar said, “Dual citizenship is a very important issue, and we will all work together to take this demand forward. This issue is very important for crores of people of Indian origin living abroad.”

While giving a vote of thanks, Indian Diaspora Global Country Head Advocate Shaju Francis said, “The Citizenship Act’s Article 9 has been ignored regarding dual citizenship. Under this section, whenever an Indian citizen takes citizenship of another country, his Indian citizenship is lost. Under this, the person has to be given a notice. Meanwhile, in Germany, whenever someone voluntarily takes citizenship of another country, the government counsels him.”

It is worth mentioning that this consultation conference provided a platform for discussion on the views of parliamentarians regarding dual citizenship. The programme highlighted the global trend of allowing dual citizenship and emphasised its positive impact on the economic, educational, and cultural welfare of individuals.

Throughout this event, several awards were also honoured to enumerate recipients:

Indian Diaspora authors were also felicitated along with the dignitaries.

Find the list below.

We also interviewed some of the esteemed awardees:

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What was your initial reaction upon learning about your selection for the Indian Diaspora Global Excellence Award?

Ans – I was absolutely thrilled and deeply honoured when I learned about my selection for the Indian Diaspora Global Excellence Award. It was a moment of immense pride and gratitude, knowing that my contributions to the diaspora and the business community were being recognised and appreciated on such a prestigious platform. This award means a lot to me, and I see it as a testament to the hard work and dedication of my entire team at Seven Star Projects Pvt. Ltd., who have played a pivotal role in our success. This recognition has made me feel incredibly humble and inspired to keep having a positive impact in the future.

Kindly let us know more about yourself and your expertise. What do you believe set you apart and contributed to your success?

Ans: I have had a diverse and enriching journey in the business world, which I believe has played a significant role in my success. I started my career with Seven Star Projects Pvt. Ltd. in a junior role and gradually worked my way up through the ranks. This hands-on experience allowed me to gain a deep understanding of the business and its various facets, which has been invaluable in my role as Managing Director.

One of the key factors that set me apart and contributed to my success was my unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence. I’ve always encouraged a culture of innovation within the company, pushing the boundaries to find new and better ways of doing things. This approach has led to groundbreaking projects and solutions that have garnered attention and respect in the industry.

Another crucial element of my success is my emphasis on building strong relationships and partnerships. I firmly believe that collaboration is key to achieving success in today’s globalised world. We have established strong partnerships with both local and international organisations, which has helped us expand our reach and undertake ambitious projects.

Furthermore, my dedication to social responsibility and community development has been a cornerstone of my career. Seven Star Projects Pvt. Ltd. has actively engaged in various CSR initiatives, supporting education, healthcare, and sustainable development in the communities where we operate. This commitment to giving back has not only enriched our corporate identity but has also been deeply satisfying personally.

Overall, my success can be attributed to a combination of hard work, a commitment to excellence, innovation, strong relationships, and a deep sense of responsibility towards society. These qualities have not only set me apart but have also contributed to the growth and success of Seven Star Projects Pvt. Ltd.

How has receiving this award impacted your personal and professional life?

Ans. Receiving the Indian Diaspora Global Excellence Award has had a profound impact on both my personal and professional lives.

On a personal level, it has been a source of immense pride and fulfilment. This recognition has validated the years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifices that I’ve made in my career. It has also inspired me to continue striving for excellence and to set an even higher standard for myself. Personally, it’s a moment of great joy and motivation to keep contributing to the community and society as a whole. 

Professionally, this award has opened doors to new opportunities and collaborations. It has enhanced our company’s reputation and credibility in the industry, making it easier for us to forge partnerships and secure projects. Additionally, it has boosted the morale and motivation of our team at Seven Star Projects Pvt. Ltd., as they also take pride in being part of an organisation recognised for its excellence.

Moreover, the award has increased our visibility on a global scale, allowing us to connect with a broader network of professionals and organizations. This has facilitated knowledge sharing, partnerships, and the exchange of best practices, which, in turn, has positively impacted our company’s growth and expansion.

In summary, receiving the Indian Diaspora Global Excellence Award has been a significant milestone in my life, both personally and professionally. It has reinforced my commitment to excellence and community engagement, while also providing new opportunities and connections that will continue to benefit our organisation in the future.

Can you highlight key moments or milestones in your journey so far?

Ans – Certainly, here are some key moments and milestones in my journey so far:

These moments and milestones have shaped my journey in the business world and have contributed to the growth and success of Seven Star Projects Pvt. Ltd. They reflect not only personal achievements but also the collective efforts of a dedicated team and our commitment to excellence.

Who or what has been your greatest source of inspiration throughout your career?

Ans: Throughout my career, my greatest source of inspiration has been my father, who started the business journey in our family, which has shaped my approach to business and life.

What advice would you give to others aspiring to achieve similar recognition in your field?

Ans: Achieving recognition and success in any field requires dedication, hard work, and a commitment to certain principles. Here is some advice that I would offer to those aspiring to achieve similar recognition in my field or any other:

Remember that success is a journey, and there may be ups and downs along the way. Stay focused on your goals, be adaptable, and continue to learn and grow. With determination and the right mindset, you can achieve recognition and success in your chosen field.

Are there individuals or teams you’d like to acknowledge for their support of your success?

Ans: Certainly, there are several individuals and teams that I’d like to acknowledge for their unwavering support in my journey towards success:

First of all, Tajendra Chadha My Father: I’d like to acknowledge him for his dedicated work in garment exports, the digital printing industry, and the latest product development. His hard work and commitment have been a source of inspiration, support, and success for our family.


What was your initial reaction upon learning about your selection for the Indian Diaspora Global Excellence Award?

Ans. Upon learning about my selection for the Indian Diaspora Global Excellence Award, a rush of emotions swept over me—surprise, gratitude, and a deep sense of honor. It was truly humbling to receive such prestigious recognition that celebrates the contributions of the Indian diaspora globally.

Kindly let us know more about yourself and your expertise. What do you believe set you apart and contributed to your success?

Ans. In my professional journey, I’ve specialised in media education and public relations (PR), carving a niche in political PR and crisis communication. What sets me apart is a relentless pursuit of excellence, a commitment to innovation, and a keen ability to adapt to evolving challenges. I firmly believe that my dedication to continuous learning has been a driving force behind my success.

How has receiving this award impacted your personal and professional life?

Ans. The impact of receiving the Indian Diaspora Global Excellence Award has been profound. It has not only validated the countless hours of hard work but has also opened new avenues, both personally and professionally. This recognition has served as a catalyst for further growth and has solidified my commitment to making a meaningful impact in my field.

Can you highlight key moments or milestones in your journey so far?

Ans. Reflecting on my journey, key milestones include recognition as Best PR Agency three times since 2014, Most Admired Professor, and other laurels. Each of these moments has been a stepping stone, shaping my path and contributing to the narrative of my professional evolution.

Who or what has been your greatest source of inspiration throughout your career?

Ans. Throughout my career, my greatest source of inspiration has been my parents, my school teacher, my best half, my wife, and last but not least, my valued colleagues, who are my backbone. Their unwavering dedication to excellence and their ability to overcome challenges have been a guiding light, inspiring me to push my boundaries and strive for greatness.

What advice would you give to others aspiring to achieve similar recognition in your field?

Ans. To those aspiring for recognition in their field, my advice is rooted in passion, resilience, and continuous growth. Embrace challenges as opportunities, stay dedicated to your craft, and never underestimate the power of consistency on the path to success.

Are there any individuals or teams you’d like to acknowledge for their support of your success?

Ans. Gratitude is a cornerstone of achievement, and I would like to acknowledge the invaluable support of my illustrious and industrious colleagues who do all the hard work and allow me to take the credit. Their encouragement, guidance, and collaborative spirit have been instrumental in shaping my journey and contributing to my success.


What was your initial reaction upon learning about your selection for the Indian Diaspora Global Excellence Award?

Upon learning about my selection for the Indian Diaspora Global Excellence Award, my initial reaction was a delightful combination of surprise and gratitude. I felt deeply honoured and humbled to be recognised among such a distinguished group of individuals who have made significant contributions to the Indian diaspora. It was truly unexpected, and I couldn’t help but feel a profound appreciation for the hard work and dedication that led to this recognition. This award acknowledges my efforts and underscores the collective achievements of the vibrant Indian diaspora worldwide. I am immensely thankful for this honour and excited about the opportunity to continue contributing to the community and fostering excellence on a global scale.

Kindly let us know more about yourself and your expertise. What do you believe set you apart and contributed to your success?

I have a diverse background and a passion for creative pursuits. My journey in the arts, culture, and entertainment industry has equipped me with unique skills and experiences that have contributed to my success. With a solid academic foundation, a Master’s in Design from Scotland, and an Honours Degree from England, combined with my business studies from Canada, I have honed my expertise in business communications.

One of the factors that sets me apart is my commitment to continuous learning and adaptability. In a dynamic and ever-evolving advertising and marketing industry, staying abreast of the latest trends and technologies is crucial. I consistently invest time updating my skills and knowledge to remain at the forefront of the industry.

Moreover, my ability to problem-solve, lead, and innovate has been pivotal to my success. I thrive in multicultural environments, allowing me to be a global citizen. I have worked with over 35 international films, some with Oscar-winning producers. I’ve won 26 international awards, including the BBC Asia Award, Pride of Gujarat, ReelWorld Trailblazer, and Men of Honour, to name a few.

Collaboration is another cornerstone of my approach. I believe in fostering a collaborative, inclusive work environment where diverse perspectives contribute to innovative solutions. This collaborative mindset has contributed to my success and positively impacted my affiliated teams and projects.

Ultimately, I attribute my success to a combination of passion, continuous learning, adaptability, and a collaborative spirit. These qualities and a genuine enthusiasm for the creative industry have been instrumental in achieving milestones and making meaningful contributions throughout my career.

How has receiving this award impacted your personal and professional life?

Receiving the Indian Diaspora Global Excellence Award has had a profound impact on both my personal and professional lives. On a personal level, the recognition has been incredibly humbling and inspiring. It validates my hard work, dedication, and passion for my endeavors. Knowing that my contributions are acknowledged globally has boosted my confidence and motivation to continue making a meaningful impact.

Professionally, the award has opened up new opportunities and networks. The visibility that comes with such recognition has broadened my reach within the industry and beyond. I’ve had the privilege of connecting with accomplished individuals and organisations, fostering collaborations, and contributing to discussions beyond my previous spheres of influence.

Moreover, the award serves as a testament to the values I uphold in my professional journey, which include honesty, integrity, adaptability, and accountability. It has become a powerful symbol that resonates with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders, reinforcing the credibility of my work and the values I stand for.

This award has become a catalyst for personal and professional growth. It motivates me to set higher goals, push boundaries, and strive for excellence. I am grateful for the opportunities it has brought and excited about the positive changes it continues to instigate in my journey.

Can you highlight key moments or milestones in your journey so far?

My journey has marked several key moments and milestones that have shaped my professional path. One of the early milestones was the 1999 BBC Asia Award for my photojournalistic work “An Indian Abroad” (AKA Home away from the homeland). This recognition laid the foundation for my career and instilled a determination to pursue excellence.

As I progressed, I had the opportunity to work as a creative director for an advertising agency in Manhattan, New York, spearheading transformative initiatives. After that, receiving the 2002 New York City Citation for my artistic endeavours boosted my confidence. These experiences expanded my skill set and taught me valuable lessons in leadership, teamwork, and resilience.

A particularly memorable moment in my journey was immigrating to Canada in 2006. With my extensive international academic training and diverse work experience, the recruiters repeatedly needed more Canadian work experience or reported me as overqualified for a job. This catch-22 situation was a blessing in disguise, as it pushed the entrepreneurial quality out of me to start my consulting firm. This moment was a turning point and reinforced my commitment to my chosen path.

Receiving the Indian Diaspora Global Excellence Award is undoubtedly one of the pinnacle moments of my career. It represents the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and a passion for the creative industry. This recognition is a testament to the collective effort and collaboration of the teams I’ve been privileged to work with and the support of mentors and colleagues who have been instrumental in my growth.

Looking ahead, I am excited about the upcoming milestones and challenges that will undoubtedly shape the following chapters of my professional journey. Whether big or small, each moment contributes to the narrative of continuous growth and learning that defines my career.

Who or what has been your greatest source of inspiration throughout your career?

My primary wellspring of inspiration throughout my career emerged from a pivotal moment of failure. In my formative years in India, societal expectations steered me towards studying science subjects, despite a lack of alignment with my genuine aptitude. A stumble in grade 11, particularly with challenges in organic chemistry, trigonometry, and dissecting frogs in biology, proved to be a blessing in disguise. This failure compelled me to reassess my true passions.

In essence, setbacks have consistently served as a source of inspiration, offering the guidance and motivation necessary to navigate the complexities of my career. The impact of these experiences is interwoven into the fabric of my professional identity, shaping my journey and propelling me forward as I continue to evolve and contribute to the creative industry.

What advice would you give to others aspiring to achieve similar recognition in your field?

Cultivate a genuine passion for your work, as dedication and enthusiasm are potent motivators. Embrace continuous learning to stay relevant in a changing landscape. Build a strong network by engaging with professionals and participating in industry events. View challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation. Set clear goals, seek feedback, and be open to constructive criticism. Contribute to your community and industry, giving back through mentorship and knowledge-sharing. Uphold your values and celebrate milestones along the way. Be patient and persistent, as success often takes time. Each journey is unique, so adapt these principles to your circumstances and stay true to yourself as you navigate your path.

Are there individuals or teams you’d like to acknowledge for their support of your success?

I am immensely grateful for the support I’ve received throughout my journey, and several individuals and teams have contributed to my success. Firstly, I want to acknowledge academic mentors via my international education for providing guidance, wisdom, and unwavering support. Their insights have been a guiding light, shaping my professional development.

I am also indebted to the exceptional teams I’ve had the privilege to work with. Their dedication, collaboration, and collective efforts have been the driving force behind many of our achievements. The synergy within these teams has enabled us to overcome challenges and reach new heights.

Furthermore, I appreciate my mother’s passion and perseverance in providing the best education and her encouragement and understanding. She gave me wings to fly and reach the skies. Her support has been a source of motivation during both triumphs and challenges.

In receiving the Indian Diaspora Global Excellence Award, I share this recognition with all who have been a part of my journey. Their collective influence has shaped not only my professional success but also my personal growth. I am truly fortunate to have such an incredible support network, and I look forward to continuing this journey together.

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