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The Glory of Wait

The Glory of Wait

The Glory of Wait

I still couldn’t quit. Yes, I am talking about waiting.

All the greed, violence, anger, pride, selfishness left from this heart one by one with the touch of love.

But the wait still hasn’t left me. I left everything for love

But Still waiting

I still live in the deepest part of the heart, many people say, waiting is the expression of the purest love.

Everyone can love, but not everyone can wait for beloved

Is it really so?

I don’t know


But I owe a lot to waiting.

Waiting for beloved taught me to be as simple  as a birdTaught to be as restless as a child; taught to be as vast as the sky;As Soft as a flower, taught to be beautifulLearned to be as deep as the blue waters of ocean;Taught to be transparent like nature.I have learned to be as intense as the magical silence of the golden evening.

Finally, the anticipation has brought me to the enchanting eternity of poetry. Enduring the wait in my heart every moment is indeed challenging. However, each day, each moment, I embrace it with delight over and over again. Oh, the wait! You are exquisitely agonizingly beautiful!

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