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The Indian Diaspora: A Wonderful Change in the World

The Indian Diaspora: A Wonderful Change in the World

The Indian Diaspora: A Wonderful Change in the World

Empowering Action: Uniting the Indian Diaspora for Positive Change

Dear Readers,


As we embark on the month of June, I am thrilled to present the upcoming edition of WFY, your go-to magazine for all things related to the Indian Diaspora. This month, we bring you a captivating blend of engaging content, highlighting the latest happenings and urging you to take note of the same.

In a world that is constantly evolving, it is crucial for us to stay informed and engaged with current affairs.

Firstly, India celebrates the momentous occasion of the inauguration of India’s new parliament. With renewed energy and aspirations, Indian lawmakers have embarked on a journey to shape the nation’s future. It is a pivotal moment that symbolises democracy in action, and we delve into the significance of this event and its implications for our diaspora community.

We need to address a pressing global concern—the growing wave of inflation. As economies grapple with rising prices and financial instability, it is imperative to understand the impact on individuals, businesses, and the overall global landscape. We should explore its ramifications for the Indian diaspora, research the insights, and make potential strategies to navigate these challenging times.

I also would like to highlight a crucial topic that affects us all—mental well-being. The pandemic has brought the significance of mental health to the forefront. The nuances of depression, loneliness, and the overall state of mental well-being should be addressed appropriately. Our aim shall be to provide support, understanding, and resources to empower individuals and foster a compassionate environment within our diaspora community.

In a world that is constantly evolving, it is crucial for us to stay informed and engaged with current affairs.

The recent surge in UK migration figures cannot be ignored. Net migration to the United Kingdom rose by 24%, from 488,000 in 2021 to 606,000 in 2022. The Conservative Party’s unfulfilled pledge to reduce net migration reflects a pattern of broken promises and failed policies. Such pledges cater to the party’s agenda and perpetuate misconceptions about migration. The 2022 figures highlight specific factors contributing to the increase, including arrivals under sponsorship and family visa schemes and long-term arrivals from Hong Kong. Migration is an enduring reality driven by push and pull factors, and public sentiment supports competent immigration systems. A fact-based, rational, and compassionate approach to the immigration debate is essential.

The G7 Hiroshima summit concluded with a lengthy communiqué that received little attention except for its strong condemnation of China. The G7, once a powerful economic force, has been in decline and now resorts to targeting China to assert its relevance. The communiqué mentions China repeatedly and covers various topics, reflecting the US-led effort to build an anti-China alliance. Despite some conciliatory statements, the G7’s anti-China rhetoric only diminishes its impact. To regain its former glory, the G7 should prioritise constructive relations with China and adhere to the one-China principle. Internal issues should take precedence over blaming others.

The Indian parliamentary panel has put forth a compelling recommendation to leverage the profile and global distribution of the Indian diaspora as a catalyst for promoting India’s interests worldwide. The panel urges the Indian government to adopt a clear and comprehensive policy framework to proactively engage with Indians living abroad. In response, the government has accepted 43 out of 55 recommendations from the panel’s report on “Welfare of the Indian Diaspora: Policies and Schemes.” This proactive approach underscores India’s commitment to harnessing the immense potential of its diaspora community to advance its soft power and cultural diplomacy efforts on the global stage.

The global pandemic continues to challenge us, both individually and collectively. It is a reminder that our strength lies in unity and compassion.

Furthermore, we should recognise the new challenges facing the world today. From environmental concerns to geopolitical shifts, we shall explore the evolving dynamics and their implications for our diaspora. By staying informed and proactive, we can collectively navigate these challenges and contribute to a more sustainable and harmonious global future.

As always, we proudly highlight the remarkable achievements of Indians who are making waves in diverse fields. Whether it’s ground-breaking research in science, entrepreneurial ventures, or artistic endeavours, we celebrate the successes of our fellow Indians who are shaping the world with their talent and determination.

But this edition is not just about passive observation. It’s a call to action. We encourage you, our readers, to actively participate in the issues that matter. Whether it’s raising awareness, supporting causes, or lending your voice to bring about positive change, each of us has the power to make a difference. Let’s harness our collective strength to create a better future for ourselves and the generations to come.

I invite you to contribute your ideas and perspectives. We value your insights and believe in the power of diverse voices coming together. Reach out to us with your thoughts, suggestions, and stories that deserve to be heard.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support. WFY is not just a magazine; it is a community of like-minded individuals who strive to make a meaningful impact. Together, let’s stay informed, inspired, and engaged as we navigate the complexities of our world.

I wish you an enlightening and empowering bulb moment.

Warm regards,


Editor-in-Chief, WFY

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