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The khichdi that brought India and Australia closer!

To celebrate India-Australia trade deal, Aussie PM Scott Morrison cooked ‘khichdi’

Well, this is not the first time that Morrison has flaunted his culinary skills on social media, but this is surely the first time that he has managed to win so many hearts for it! The pic of Morrison making khichdi, Indian PM Narendra Modi’s favourite dish went viral in no time, and brought the much-needed attention to a historic pact.

India and Australia signed an economic cooperation and trade agreement On April 2. So, Canberra will now provide duty free access in its market for over 95 per cent of Indian goods such as textiles, sports equipment, leather products and jewellery.

“To celebrate our new trade agreement with India, the curries I chose to cook for curry night tonight are all from my dear friend Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Gujarat province, including his favourite khichdi,” Morrison posted on his official Instagram handle. “Jen, girls and mum all approve,” he referred to his family in the post.

Over the years, Modi has refereed to khichdi as his favourite food in many media interviews. Khichdi is a traditional Indian dish made from rice, lentils, vegetables and spices roasted ion ghee and Morrison said he loves to cook just this way.

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