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The Season Of Flowers

The Season Of Flowers

The Season Of Flowers

It is the season of sultry summer,
The season of many a blooming flower,
It is just the time to simply admire,
Though it is also the time to perspire.

There are innumerable flowers all around,
In a display of so many trees crowned,
They fall softly at night to the ground,
And make me feel oh so astound.

They bloom & burst in myriad colours,
And also in innumerable numbers,
People gaze at them as stunners,
Cause we are their grateful lovers.

When I look up any big floral tree,
I see the leaves & flowers as pot-pourri,
They arouse in me a sense of guarantee,
Of me being scot-free to a great degree.

Oh what a blessing it is to be happily alive,
To be kicking and to see the flowers thrive,
They make me involuntarily gleam with smile,
And transform me into a person versatile.

Flowers are symbols of joy, love & peace,
They help the trickle of dopamine to increase,
And make one feel sublime under the trees,
This is the cryptology of flowers for us dummies.

It is the season of sultry summer,
The season of many a blooming flower,
It is just the time to simply admire,
Though it is also the time to perspire.

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