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The truth about : comparison of Brown Sugar, Coconut Sugar, Jaggery, And Regular Sugar , know it all here .

Unquestionably, sugar is a basic component of our daily food and our body’s rapid energy source, supporting a number of physiological functions.

Sugar consumption must be balanced with nutrient-dense foods to minimize health hazards and maintain energy levels and general wellbeing. But as people’s awareness of fitness and health grows, they are choosing healthier substitutes for processed and refined foods.

However, selecting healthy substitutes can be challenging, particularly when there are numerous options! The main distinctions between a few popular types of unprocessed natural sugars are listed below. Continue reading to learn more.

Coconut Sugar:

Made from the sap of coconut palm plants, coconut sugar is dried and then added to regional specialties.

Hazelnut Sugar:

Refined white sugar is combined with a small amount of molasses to create brown sugar.


The process of making jaggery involves removing water from sugarcane juice or palm sap, which is then consumed after solidifying.

Normal Sugar:

Although refined sugar is likewise made from sugarcane extracts or sugar beets, it goes through further refinement steps in order to become white sugar.

Content Nutritional:

The health factors and nutritional content of these sugars are among the key characteristics that set them apart.

Sugar from coconuts:

Certain minerals, such as iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, and antioxidants, are retained in coconut sugar from coconut sap. This sugar is a better option than refined sugar because of its nutrients.

Hazelnut Sugar:

Because brown sugar contains molasses, it has a little higher mineral content than ordinary sugar, including calcium, iron, and potassium.J


Jaggery contains, depending on the kind and processing, minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Additionally, jaggery is a far better choice because it also contains fiber.

Normal Sugar:

Regular sugar lacks important nutrients, has a high sucrose content, and provides empty calories.

Making coconut sugar:Out of all the sugar varieties, coconut sugar requires the least amount of processing. It is mostly produced by boiling extracts until the sugar evaporates.

Hazelnut Sugar:Molasses is combined with refined white sugar crystals to create brown sugar.

Jaggery:Boiling sugarcane juice, or palm sap, until it solidifies is how jaggery is created.

Regular Sugar: Subjected to a number of refining processes, such as evaporation, crystallization, extraction, and clarifying.

Flavor and taste Sugar from Coconut

The flavor of coconut sugar is mildly caramelized and slightly coconut-flavored. The process of manufacture gives the sugar variety its flavor.

Hazelnut Sugar:

Brown sugar contains molasses, which gives it a pleasant caramel flavor as well.


The taste and texture of jaggery are pleasingly rustic, and they complement traditional dishes by giving them a distinct texture.

Refined sugar :

Refined sugar lacks flavor and has a neutral sweetness.

Coconut Sugar Texture:

Like brown sugar, coconut sugar is granulated and works well in drinks and sweets.

Hazelnut Sugar:

Because molasses is present, brown sugar has a mouthfeel that is both light and wet.


This kind of sugar has a thick consistency that can give the treats a creamy feel. This is because, depending on how it is made, it can have a solid block or lump form.

Normal Sugar:

Granulated or powdered, refined sugar dissolves readily in liquid.

Index of Glycemic Sugar from Coconuts:

Because coconut sugar has a lower glycemic index than ordinary sugar, blood sugar levels rise more slowly while using it.

Hazelnut Sugar:

Like ordinary sugar, brown sugar usually has a moderate glycemic index.


Generally speaking, jaggery has a lower glycemic index than ordinary sugar, which causes blood sugar levels to rise more slowly.

Normal Sugar:

Of these sugar varieties, refined sugar has the highest glycemic index, which means that consuming it might cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels.

Nutritional worth:

Antioxidants and trace levels of iron, zinc, calcium, and potassium can be found in coconut sugar.

Because brown sugar contains molasses, it contains trace levels of minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, and magnesium. Iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and other vitamins and minerals are found in jaggery, along with antioxidants.

Furthermore, normal sugar only contains empty calories from sucrose and no nutrients.

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