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This is how the English tutorials of this 12th-grade woman are now going viral on the internet.

Introducing Yashoda Lodhi, the content producer enthralling viewers on the internet with her tutorials in spoken English.

People of Desi descent have always had a talent for spoken English. There is no shortage of lessons available to fulfill these goals, whether they involve developing self-assurance, perfecting pronunciation, or even experimenting with an American accent.

However, as the internet grows into a massive knowledge base, a new generation of English-speaking tutorials has evolved, dispelling the myth that only professionals in the business world are interested in language virtuosity.Do you recall Dhiraj Takri, whose much-praised viral strategies for learning standard American English? But among the multitude of virtual educators, Yashoda Lodhi has become a rising star.

With an Instagram profile devoted to teaching spoken English, this content maker from UP has captured fans’ attention with her relatable style. Her videos have a particular enchantment from the minute she speaks, even though she is dressed simply in Indian clothing and doesn’t use any elaborate props.

Her feed is inundated with comments such as “don’t judge a book by its cover,” which express the shock of viewers who are astounded by Yashoda’s impeccable English.

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