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The One Who Loves Love

The One Who Loves Love A poem by Sindhu Gatha

The One Who Loves Love A poem by Sindhu Gatha

By love, your

smell has to be wrapped around me

Wake up in the flavour of kissing and sleeping

In the snow rain,

Cloud was draped as saree,

The star used as Bindhi,

Hair was braided and decorated with star flowers,

Sun as Mangal Sutra

The rhythm of the heartbeat and

the breath of breaths

The tone is filled with music.

A sparrow which does not spread its wings

The silence is in the lust of the eyes

Trapped and struggling for words

If you’re nearby,

 trees bloom unknowingly

Through the vein of the soft touch

The sea of milk

overflowing with love

Night rain descended in you

body sprouted in the kisses

Love wounds turned into sweet swells

Only remain within.

Went down through your eyes to the depths of the mind

By the fiery love string that goes

My heart is drawn to you.

Smoke of an unquenchable fire of love

something pierced inside the brain

It’s burning like a flame

In the silver ovens of the dream sky

Sowing new bells of love

Love seed on the street of love

The mind has no boundaries

Exploding in the inner cores

Reflections of love,

love that comes to you

When you hug yourself close to your chest

The moment of the breaking of the beak in the eye

You and I have to be ourselves.

Love which far from the paths of lust

Love that begins and ends in love

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