Art And Culture

Rain Or Two Drops Of Tears

You asked me for a wet evening.

I came to you as rain.

If you want a bunch of sunshine,

I was smiling in your flower garden in the morning light.

You wanted a drop of love, I poured my whole heart into you!

You told me to fly like the storm of tomorrow. 

I became the southern wind in the veins of your atrium

You told me to make the flower bloom on a rock

I worshiped the rock as God.

You asked for some affection,

I touched your forehead and painted with a kiss.

You wanted me to be a stormy sea,

I became a wave in your heart.

You said to decorate your sky with dreams, 

I spread rainbow colors all over your body.

One by one, when I arranged 

all the thoughts in two eyes, 

you looked into my eyes , 

said in the language of the eyes, say something once!

With the blink of an eye , 

the question was asked silently  when I am not with you

Will you shed two drops of tears for me??


Sarmistha Dey

Sarmistha Dey is an Indian Diaspora staff reporter at WFY, Bahrain bureau. She is an experienced HR and media professional. She is a poet as well as a singer.

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