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Reasons Why India Is On A Path Of Remarkable Digitalisation

According to Soumitra Dutta, dean of Oxford University’s Said Business School, India has lacked in its embrace of artificial intelligence (AI) while being a leader in software service exports. According to Dutta, an Indian scholar, India needs to concentrate on developing a top-notch AI infrastructure if it hopes to fully utilise automation and artificial intelligence. Dutta adds that India has to step up its investment in R&D and other academic research immediately. India should encourage its businesses to work more closely with universities to create an AI ecosystem.

We believe that economies everywhere are suddenly understanding the need to implement AI. To begin with, artificial intelligence (AI) is not distinct from technology. AI is the result of the evolution of generic digital technologies.

In our opinion, the line separating digital and artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly hazy. Every economy is beginning to realise that it is necessary to embrace technology. Of course, the problem is that they don’t always possess the necessary abilities.

The most crucial factor is skills, followed by resources. Because AI technology is currently advancing exponentially, it is concerning that emerging economies are adopting AI technologies more slowly than anticipated. Thus, emerging nations’ ability to stay up is becoming more difficult. That’s the issue.

You see, technology has really made inequality in the world worse. Sadly, that is the way things really are. Over the past 20 years, I have conducted research on the Network Readiness Index, and the data indicates that the digital divide has actually widened. Let’s use a mobile phone as an excellent illustration. Everybody has a cell phone these days. However, those with higher levels of education, wealth, and networking are able to extract more value and income from a mobile phone than those with lower levels of education, wealth, or networking.

With the same technology, some people are thereby producing far more value than others. That is the primary explanation for the rising gap, and it also explains why the more advanced nations tend to use technology more effectively. The ones who can use technology more effectively will perform better. Thus, technology does not serve as a big leveller. It increases the disparity. It goes without saying that this presents difficulties for governments and society in trying to close the gap. The difference is widening.

India is currently digitalizing along a third path. It is its own road, which is quite interesting; it is neither the American nor the Chinese path. It now needs to include AI in the third path, which is the question. Because the third path does not now have artificial intelligence included in it.

Traditionally, it has been used for identity verification and financial transactions, while it is currently being tested for use in other domains, including commerce and other things.

Therefore, I believe that India needs to take advantage of this third road and invest heavily in developing its AI infrastructure, as the nation cannot depend on big global corporations from the West to do so.

That needs to originate from the India Stack architecture, as there aren’t any AI companies in India.

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