World Politics

US Polls Now: A Moment Of Triumph For Kamala

Kamala Harris’s victory in the 2010 California Attorney General race was a turning point in her career, thanks to a pivotal moment during a debate. This win not only saved her political future but also catapulted her into the national spotlight.

Harris’s entire trajectory was altered by a pivotal debate.

In 2010, Vice President Kamala Harris achieved a significant victory that not only rescued her political career but also propelled her towards national recognition. This triumph led to her appointment as Attorney General of California, marking a pivotal moment in her journey. In a pivotal moment during a debate, the trajectory of her career was forever altered by a single question and its corresponding answer. The 47 seconds were remembered by The New York Times as a stark reminder of the ever-changing landscape of politics.

An Up-and-Coming Star Confronting a Formidable Obstacle

In 2010, Kamala Harris set out on a political journey that would come to define her career. Harris, who was 45 at the time, was widely regarded as a promising figure within the Democratic Party. Gwen Ifill, a prominent journalist, went as far as calling her “the female Barack Obama.” Despite her growing reputation, Harris encountered major challenges in her campaign to become California’s attorney general. In the political arena, the Tea Party held a significant influence, overshadowing figures like Harris, a self-identified San Francisco liberal. Harris faced the challenge of distancing herself from the label that conservatives, including Donald J. Trump, used as a derogatory term.

Steve Cooley, Harris’s opponent, proved to be an exceptional challenger. Renowned and widely admired, Los Angeles County district attorney Cooley gained a reputation for his fair and impartial approach and his relentless pursuit of justice in cases involving corruption. With the election reaching its decisive phase, Cooley found himself in a neck-and-neck race or holding a slight lead in the polls. His strong support in Los Angeles, the largest Democratic stronghold in California, served as a major boost to his campaign.

As time ticked away and financial resources dwindled, Harris found himself confronted with a daunting obstacle. However, during a debate held on the first Tuesday of October, a mere 47 seconds would have a profound impact on the course of her political career.

The Fateful Debate: Cooley’s Misstep

The 2010 attorney general race debate, which took place in a practice courtroom at the University of California, Davis, did not generate much interest. The debate was not broadcasted live on television, with a limited audience in attendance. The events that unfolded during that debate would go on to have a significant impact.

In the midst of the debate, Jack Leonard, a reporter from the Los Angeles Times, directed a question to Cooley regarding the controversial issue of “double-dipping.” This term refers to the practice of individuals receiving both a public salary and a public pension concurrently. Cooley, who was already earning a substantial $292,300 as the district attorney, faced questions about his potential earnings as attorney general. Specifically, he was asked if he intended to receive both a pension and a salary, a move that would elevate his total earnings to over $400,000.

In a candid and straightforward manner, Cooley provided a resolute response: “Yes, I do.” The individual proudly declared, “I earned it.” In a recent statement, the individual emphasised their entitlement to the pension rights they have earned. They expressed their intention to rely on this pension to supplement their significantly low salary as the attorney general.

The New York Times reports that the response was met with shock from the debate’s panellists. “The debate’s moderator, Kevin Riggs, described it as tone-deaf,” “It was absolutely astonishing,” echoed Harris’s chief strategist, Averell “Ace” Smith. In a recent interview, Cooley himself acknowledged the mistake, reflecting on the situation and admitting that many people had advised him to handle it differently.

Harris maintained a composed demeanour as Cooley delivered his response, choosing to let the weight of the moment resonate without uttering a word. Upon being presented with an opportunity to provide her input, Riggs responded with a light-hearted laugh and a playful remark, exclaiming, “Go for it, Steve!” Congratulations on your achievement! With her remarkable self-control, she allowed Cooley’s words to have a profound impact, foreshadowing the events that would unfold.

The Campaign’s New Strategy: A Powerful Advertisement

Following the debate, Harris’s campaign team quickly acknowledged the importance of Cooley’s mistake. “We exchanged glances,” remembered Brian Brokaw, Harris’s campaign manager, “and in a room, it can be difficult to gauge the impact of something. We silently agreed, ‘That was quite unfortunate, wasn’t it?'”

An expert in the field, Mark Putnam, was called upon to analyse the footage from the campaign’s debate. After taking a look at it, he was completely convinced: “The campaign is a resounding success.” Putnam swiftly produced an advertisement showcasing Leonard’s inquiry, Cooley’s candid reply, and a concise yet impactful statement: “Is $150,000 per year insufficient?” In a dramatic conclusion, the advertisement concluded with a fade to black, emphasising the stark contrast between Cooley’s projected earnings and the average income of Californian households, which stood at $54,280 during that period.

Initially, there was some hesitation within the Harris campaign about airing the ad before conducting a poll to gauge its impact. However, according to Ace Smith, time and resources were not on their side. The campaign was facing financial challenges, with a balance of less than $850,000 and outstanding debts exceeding $100,000. In the face of economic challenges, the team made a bold decision to persevere, directing their advertising efforts solely towards Los Angeles, which happens to be Cooley’s stronghold. Efforts were made to erode his stronghold of local support.

Harris, who had initially aimed to conclude her campaign with a focus on highlighting her accomplishments and future plans, ultimately made the decision to adopt an all-negative strategy. “Smith praised Kamala Harris for this achievement,” stated the source. “She made a bold move, going all in,” according to The New York Times.

The Republican Counterattack and Democratic Resilience

In response to the airing of the attack ad by the Harris campaign, Republicans at the national level swiftly initiated a counteroffensive, recognising the potential threat posed by Harris as a rising star. In a bold move, a staggering $1 million was invested in a series of advertisements that flooded the streets of Los Angeles. These ads showcased the heart-wrenching story of a grieving mother, who tragically lost her police officer son. The focus of her criticism? None other than Harris herself, who faced backlash for her controversial decision to not pursue the death penalty for the perpetrator responsible for this heinous crime. The Republican endeavour was spearheaded by Chris Jankowski, who openly admitted that their approach was to “neutralise Hercules from the start.”

Harris, however, had influential supporters in her corner. In a bid to rally support amidst a wave of congressional losses, President Barack Obama made a strategic move by prioritising a late-October rally in Los Angeles. Addressing a crowd of 37,000, he passionately urged them to throw their support behind Harris. During a pivotal moment in Harris’s campaign, Obama made a strong declaration, urging everyone to act in a manner that aligns with her values.

With the election looming, Cooley’s team raised concerns about a possible surge in Democratic support. The Republican ticket’s collapse, especially the campaign of gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman, has further complicated his chances. “The polling was taking a downward turn,” remembered Kevin Spillane, Cooley’s chief strategist.

The conclusion of Election Night was nothing short of dramatic.

The report highlighted the atmosphere of tension and uncertainty that characterised the election night. Cooley surged ahead in the race, leading him to proclaim his triumph prematurely, despite the cautionary advice of his strategist. In a move that mirrored the actions of the San Francisco Chronicle, a headline was published that boldly declared, “Cooley emerges victorious over Harris.” In the midst of the excitement, Harris and her dedicated team remained vigilant at their campaign party, closely monitoring the election results into the late hours of the night. As the night progressed, the tide began to turn in Harris’s favour as the results from Los Angeles County started to shift.

The following day, the outcome of the race remained uncertain. After a nail-biting three weeks, the final results slowly made their way in, revealing Harris as the ultimate winner by a slim margin of under 75,000 votes, or a mere 0.85%. In a stunning display of political prowess, California witnessed one of the closest statewide victories in its modern history.

Harris’s extensive advertising campaign in Los Angeles proved to be successful. According to recent internal polling conducted in August, Cooley was initially leading in the county with a 10-point advantage. However, on Election Day, Harris managed to secure a significant victory, surpassing Cooley by a margin of 14 points. The remarkable transformation served as a clear demonstration of the impact of the dual-purpose advertisement and the astute choices made during the Harris’s concluding period.

A Moment of Great Significance

In a report by The New York Times, it is highlighted that the attorney general race of 2010 played a pivotal role in shaping Kamala Harris’ career. “It was a moment that nearly spelt the end of her political career,” commented Chris Jankowski, the Republican strategist who had spearheaded the campaign to thwart her.” If Harris had not emerged victorious in that race, her path to the national stage may have been significantly altered. Today, she finds herself in a position where she is being considered as a potential first woman president of the United States.

Years later, Harris’s triumph is viewed as far from certain. “Everyone writes history as if it were destined to happen,” remarked Smith. Her initial victory on a statewide scale was far from ordinary.

Looking back, Cooley admitted the significant influence of Harris’s campaign strategy. Despite acknowledging the effectiveness of the ads, he primarily attributed his loss to Whitman’s unsuccessful run for governor rather than Harris’s tactics.

In a remarkable conclusion that captures the immense importance of the race, Cooley extended an invitation to Jack Leonard, the journalist who posed the pivotal debate question, for a meal several months following the election. While dining, Cooley extended his hand across the table and firmly grasped Leonard’s hand. With a sincere tone, he expressed, “Had you not posed that question, I would find myself obligated to be in Sacramento.”

Exploring the Surprising Support for Donald Trump Among Indian-American Voters Amidst Kamala Harris’ Historic Candidacy

The ascent of US Vice President Kamala Harris to the top of the Democratic ticket has sparked a wave of enthusiasm among South Asian Americans. A groundswell of support propelled her forward, with an outpouring of donations totalling hundreds of thousands of dollars for her campaign. Notably, she also gained the backing of renowned author Salman Rushdie. Harris, a trailblazing candidate who made history as the first Indian American and Black woman to be nominated for president by a major political party, seems to be on the verge of gaining substantial support from the Indian American community.

Nevertheless, Harris is confronted with significant obstacles in securing this backing. In recent times, there has been a noticeable shift in the political preferences of certain Indian Americans, as they find themselves gravitating towards the candidate who stands as the opposition to their current choice, Donald Trump. The shift in focus can be attributed to a combination of factors, including the impact of Trump’s tax policies, his strong support for small businesses, and his close relationship with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Rakesh Patel, a 38-year-old entrepreneur hailing from Arlington, Virginia, recently shared his thoughts on the similarities between President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan and Prime Minister Modi’s “Make India Great Again” mantra, as reported by The close bond between Modi and Trump has become a significant factor in garnering support from Indian Americans for the Republican party.

An ever-widening chasm

The rift among the Indian American community is growing increasingly evident. In recent times, there has been a noticeable shift towards the Republican party, despite a historical preference for Democrats. In a striking display of political polarisation, Raashina Humayun, a Californian resident aged 53, expressed her observation that the votes within her community have never been so deeply divided along party lines. As the political landscape continues to evolve, a noticeable shift is occurring among my peers and friends who were once staunch supporters of the Democratic party. Surprisingly, they are now finding themselves drawn towards the Republican party.

In a recent statement, Pooja Khemka, a student at Illinois University, highlighted the attractiveness of Trump’s plan to provide green cards to international students. Indian students believe that although their cultural heritage lies in India, their aspirations for the future lie in the United States. “A green card is the ticket to that future,” Khemka stated, as reported by

Demographic changes and their impact on political power

The Indian American community has experienced a remarkable increase in its population, growing more than ten times larger since the early 1990s. This surge has made them a significant voting bloc in the United States. With a staggering number of over 2.1 million eligible Indian American voters, the data from AAPI sheds light on the significant political influence this community holds. With a significant presence, Asian Americans now account for 6.1% of eligible voters across the country, showcasing the increasing influence of this community.

Recent polling data indicates a shift in public opinion. According to a recent survey conducted by AAPI Data, there has been a noticeable decline in the number of Indian Americans who align themselves with the Democratic party. The survey revealed that the percentage of Indian Americans identifying as Democrats dropped from 54% in 2020 to 47% in 2024. In a surprising turn of events, the number of individuals who identify as Republicans has experienced a notable increase, rising from 16% to 21% within the same period. According to a report from, there has been a decline in Harris’ favorability among Indian American voters. In 2022, her favorability stood at 62%, but by July 2024, it had dropped to 54%.

The Republican Appeal

Prominent Indian American Republicans, including former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, have been making waves in the political landscape. Mukesh Aghi, the president and CEO of the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum, has noted the emergence of prominent Indian-American politicians within the Republican party. This development reflects a shifting demographic trend in political representation.

Arun Kumar, an economist, was quoted by discussing the appeal of the Republicans’ promises to Indian American voters. According to Kumar, these voters are particularly interested in the party’s commitment to bringing jobs back from undocumented migrants and reducing taxes on the wealthy. He noted that Indian Americans generally have higher median incomes compared to the average American population.

According to the most recent US Census data, Indian Americans have an average household income of $123,700, which is almost double the national average of $63,922.

The Potential Impact of Harris

In the face of these obstacles, the candidature of Harris has the potential to shift the trajectory. Her remarkable ascent may strike a chord with Indian American voters who identify with her cultural background and impressive accomplishments. Mukesh Aghi stated that the inclusion of this individual on the Democratic ticket would hold significant emotional significance for numerous Indian American voters, especially those who strongly identify with her cultural background and accomplishments.

With the election on the horizon, Harris’ campaign faces the challenge of navigating intricate dynamics in order to regain and energise support from the Indian American community, a crucial voting bloc in the upcoming election.

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