Art And Culture


Like mist there covered a layer
A layer that of concealment
Of all the miseries of this world
In one frame of truth
Pinned against a wall that of unknown elements,
A castle of pretence empties its shadows
Much familiar now its hidden shades
Rain that devastated a hamlet in seconds
What remained is nothing but shattered crest
Built on sand to impress the outer conclave
A layer of salt or sugar in white
A journey to know the destination
In a way the soil opaque untied
The heavy mantle like a conqueror
Gasping for breath many said goodbyes
Not knowing of the last dream
For a while a book that of life
Floated and then drowned
Heavy the load that of life
To lift up from the rapids
Of a wild overflowing river of monsoon
Memory short for the superficial waves
Which tosses whatever comes across on the surface
Wind knows not when to begin the bass
It is all crushed from ground to the edge
From the pavilion of hope and despair
Heard a sacred prayer of the conscience
A sanctum built not in bricks and sand,
A prayer room that of truth
Until last breath!

Rema Pisharody

Rema Pisharody is a writer from Bangalore. She is an environmentalist and a nature lover. She holds a Masters in Sociology and is a former employee of BPL Corporate Office, Bangalore. Poetry for her is soul search, to find the innermost being. She is one of the prize recipients of the Prestegious Prime India Poetry Contest and Haven International Poetry Contest. She writes on global platforms and now resides in Bangalore. She is on the editorial board of Sarga Women's Magazine and the Vice President of Creative Women.

One thought on “MANTLE OF EARTH

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