Art And Culture


A journey begins,at times,under the wrong sign board,
A choice is inevitable in front of many paths,
Winding roads or long stretches to a far away land,
Incarnating several ‘ births ‘ and ‘deaths’.!
Listen to the cry in the wilderness
The feeble wailing of abandoned offsprings of virtues,
You left them in the midway ,
Where ego stung you with venomous fangs,
They cling to enlighten you but in vain.
You loved none.. but you …and became blind,
Blind to the extent that you shut your eyes
In broad day light ,
Adament was your statement of darkness, The choice you owned deliberately ,
As you failed to watch that the sun rose on the other side.!
Tired of walking vicey ,you stared at the end of the road and halted,
When broad streches lay illuminated by wisdom.
Listen to the cry in the wilderness,
The feeble wailing of your brain child,
Incused you for a life time and beyond,
Reminiscent about the reality and brutal truth,
Destiny pulls lots and hand over the dreaded chit,
You may never know the inscriptions on the death warrant.!

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Briji KT

BRIJI. KT. is an Author and Artist. She was born in Kerala ,educated in Chandigarh and Jamnagar and now settled in Bangalore. She has authored books in Malayalam and English by reputed publishers ,Kerala gov. institute for childrens literature and Amazone. She has won awards for writing, including women achievers award for the year 2020. Conducted several painting exhibitions .

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