The Indian Club Bahrain is set to host the International Series Badminton Tournament in 2022.
The Indian Club is all set to host “The Bahrain International Series Badminton Tournament 2022,” in association with the Bahrain Badminton and Squash Federation, from November 22nd to 27th, 2022, and will play a lead role in Bahrain’s international badminton events.
The tournament has attracted a record number of entries: 196 internationally ranked players from 26 different countries, making it the largest International Series badminton tournament held in Bahrain. Players and badminton lovers will be flying into the Kingdom from all around the world to witness this world-class sporting event. The largest number of players are participating from India; in addition to the “home’ Bahraini players, other countries represented include Australia, Azerbaijan, Chinese Taipei, England, Finland, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Maldives, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, and others.
The tournament will feature all major categories: men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles, and mixed doubles. With the leading featured players being top-ranked women’s players Jenny Moore from England and Yu Chien Hui from Chinese Taipei, men’s doubles players Shyam Prasad and S. Sunjith from India are also participating. Matches will commence at 9.30 a.m. every day on the Indian Club’s two international standard courts and continue through to a daily 9 p.m. finish. The Grand Finals Day is set for Sunday, November 27, 2022.
Last year also, the badminton fraternity enjoyed International Series 2021 due to the quality of the games, and the expectations for this year are much higher due to the higher-ranking players’ participation in International Series 2022. On behalf of the Indian Club badminton section and its members, the executive committee of The Indian Club would like to thank the Bahrain Badminton and Squash Federation and all our sponsors for their gracious and vital support.
Score updates, details of upcoming matches, and all Tournament news will be posted regularly throughout the Tournament on the Indian Club’s Facebook page (Indian Club, Bahrain).
For further details regarding the Bahrain International Series Badminton Tournament 2022, please contact the Indian Club reception (17253157), the Tournament Director, Mr. Anil Kumar Koliyadan (3773 3499), or the Badminton Secretary, Mr. CM Junith (6635 9777).