
Unlock Compatibility And Chemistry In Relationships: All You Need To Know- PART 2

Subtle And Toxic Combinations Of Chemistry And Compatibility

Regretfully, chemistry and compatibility don’t always go hand in hand.

A high compatibility but low chemistry relationship is probably just going to be a comfortable and dull round of get-togethers and talks. Until they both just give up and drift apart, or until they marry and complete their mutual convenience and find themselves in a lifetime of simple and (often) asexual companionship, it will be a lifeless and boring affair. Unfortunately, such a setup is not unusual.

Conversely, incompatibility combined with chemistry almost always results in disaster. Sometimes it’s as easy as not residing in the same region of the world, but more often than not, the situation is significantly more intricate.

Two people behave in an entirely unreasonable way when they are totally incompatible. All too frequently, two incompatible individuals start a mutually destructive cycle of emotional self-immolation and ride the roller coaster of love and hatred together.

People find themselves saying things like, “Look, I know she faked being pregnant to get me to propose to her, but you know, it may just be fate, right?” or “I don’t care if he’s married to a convicted felon, we’re meant to be together.” As this is going on, friends watch helplessly as their torture victim buddy spins helplessly in a tornado of love, their jaws hanging open as they debate whether to try to talk them out of it and risk alienating them or to be supportive.

Bad news for those with high chemistry and significant incompatibilities. awful news.

These kinds of relationships typically start out fast and intense, erupting like a geyser, then fizzling out almost as fast. When reality sets in and logic takes over, this is when it usually happens. It dawns on you how incredibly obnoxious you find each other, but it’s not always easy to end a relationship like that. While your intellect says no, your heart says yes. Subsequently, you persuade your mind to accept, which causes your emotions to reject it.

At this point, your decision-making usually turns to your genitalia, even though they have about as good of a track record as an inebriated third grader. This only ends in awkward public confrontations, unpaid drink tabs, thrown iPhones, changed locks, unanswered phone calls, sobbing voicemails, and, if you’re lucky, the sterile interior of a clinic. Or, if you’re really lucky, an experience that will make you question your own sanity.

And then there you are, unemployed, with two unused one-way tickets to Bermuda, six stitches, slashed car tires, and a broken cell phone (wherever you go, as they say). Well, at least that crazy person is no longer around (though you kind of miss them). It’s a brutal but exhilarating event that will always remind you that we are still animals.

Not that it matters or that I am speaking from experience. Nope. There is nothing to view here. Proceed.

The Matrix of Chemistry-Compatibility

Poor Chemistry/Low Compatibility: a partnership lacking in simple communication as well as intimacy. This rarely occurs, and when it does, it passes quickly.

When something seems perfect but you know it’s completely wrong, it’s said to have high chemistry/low compatibility. Also known as a relationship that is a walking skip fire.

Good compatibility/low chemistry: Mostly asexual, dull companionship. The entire relationship was centred around talking about frozen meal plans, sweatpants, and Netflix.The sweet spot is high compatibility/high chemistry. Excellent harmony between practicality and closeness. Yes, indeed, sweetie.

Ridhima Kapoor

Ridhima co-founded 'Cornerstone Images' which is a successful off-shore outsourcing company, currently employing over 150 artists and focused on providing international standard 'Pre-Comp' services to best-of-breed Visual F/X and 2D-3D Conversion studios working with A-list Hollywood Movies. Apart from being a board member, I am am also actively involved in designing progressive HR policies for Cornerstone with the primary objective of making it a preferred employer in the industry.

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