Art And Culture

Here Sings The Spring

It is spring!
Here in our city
Winter said farewell
Leaving its blankets
Of mist and stoic silence..

Flowers bloom in delight
All around in parks and pathways
In Trumpets, in Jacarandas..
In fire of the flames
In line of March
To welcome a colourful spring
While Sun burns
The last hope of a rain dream..

It is spring
Where shadows and mountains
Forge a mid way path
Beneath the valley of hope
To set free the clouds
For a while to take in hand
The tree heart florets
For an earth to look

It’s time
Of resurrection
Of Prayers and flowers
Of March and April
And return of Persephone,
The Goddess of spring
and innocence

It is spring again
For the lost songs
And for the pagodas
Of an ancient monument
And for the meditation
Point of a musical walkway,
The song of the season is Spring..
Here comes the spring…
Here sings the spring…

-By Rema Pisharody

Rema Pisharody

Rema Pisharody is a writer from Bangalore. She is an environmentalist and a nature lover. She holds a Masters in Sociology and is a former employee of BPL Corporate Office, Bangalore. Poetry for her is soul search, to find the innermost being. She is one of the prize recipients of the Prestegious Prime India Poetry Contest and Haven International Poetry Contest. She writes on global platforms and now resides in Bangalore. She is on the editorial board of Sarga Women's Magazine and the Vice President of Creative Women.

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