Technology & Science

Jobs With High Pay: The New Technology Trends

Technology Trends and Emerging Technologies


Generative AI, a cutting-edge technology, has transformed several sectors by allowing robots to create material that seems like it was created by humans. It has several uses, ranging from word generation to visual synthesis and even music composition.

Individuals who master generative AI might pursue intriguing work opportunities in domains such as artificial intelligence research, data science, and the creative industries. The ever-expanding uses of generative AI promise a bright future for those who master it, with chances to alter how we interact and produce content in the digital age.

Some of the most important job roles are:

  • AI Researcher, where you can delve into the creation of complex generative models.
  • A data scientist who uses generative AI to uncover useful insights from data
  • Content Creator utilising generative AI for novel storytelling
  • AI Ethics Consultant, addressing the ethical issues of artificial intelligence-generated content

Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has gotten a lot of attention in the last decade. Nonetheless, it remains one of the emerging technological trends since its significant implications for how we live, work, and play are still in their early phases. AI is already well-known for its supremacy in picture and speech recognition, navigation apps, smartphone personal assistants, ride-sharing apps, and a variety of other applications.

Aside from that, AI will be used to analyse interactions to determine underlying connections and insights, to help predict demand for services such as hospitals, allowing authorities to make better resource utilisation decisions, and to detect changing patterns of customer behaviour by analysing data in near real-time, driving revenues and enhancing personalised experiences. As AI spreads throughout industries, new employment will be created in areas such as development, programming, testing, support, and maintenance, to mention a few. On the other side, AI pays some of the highest wages today!

Machine learning, a subset of AI, is also being used in a wide range of industries, resulting in a high demand for trained personnel. According to Forrester, AI, machine learning, and automation will produce 9% of new employment in the United States by 2025, including robot monitoring professionals, data scientists, automation specialists, and content curators, making it yet another new technology trend to keep an eye on!

Understanding AI and machine learning will help you land positions such as:

  • Artificial Intelligence Research Scientist
  • AI Developer
  • Machine Learning Expert
  • AI Designer

Processing Power

Computing power has already cemented its position in the digital era, with nearly every gadget and appliance computerised. And it’s here to stay, as data science specialists believe that the computing infrastructure we’re currently constructing will only improve in the coming years.

At the same time, we have 5G; prepare for a 6G age with more power in our hands and devices all around us. Even better, computing power is generating more tech employment in the industry, although individuals will need to acquire specialised skills.

This field will power the majority of jobs in every country, from data science to robots and IT management. The greater the computer power required by our devices, the greater the demand for technicians, IT teams, relationship managers, and the customer care economy. RPA, or robotic process automation, is an important aspect of this field that you may master now. Automation of robotic processes

Here are some of the best occupations you can pursue after RPA:

  • Data Analyst
  • AI Developer
  • Robotics Engineer
  • AI Designer
  • Robotics Engineer

Devices that are smarter

Artificial intelligence has been critical to making our world smarter and more efficient. It is not merely mimicking humans but also going above and beyond to make our lives easier. These smarter devices will be around in 2024 and beyond as data scientists work on AI household robots, appliances, work devices, wearables, and much more!

Almost every job requires clever software programmes to make our work lives easier. Smarter gadgets are another addition to the IT industry that is in great demand as more businesses transition to digital areas. To survive, almost every higher-level profession requires solid IT and automation skills.

Here are some of the top occupations you can get:

  • IT Director
  • Information scientists
  • Product reviewers
  • Product Management
  • Automation Designers
  • IT analysts


Datafication is simply the transformation of everything in our lives into data-powered gadgets or software. In a nutshell, datafication is the transformation of human chores and duties into data-driven technology. Data is here to stay for longer than we can recall, from our smartphones, industrial machinery, and workplace applications to AI-powered gadgets and everything else! As a result, keeping our data stored appropriately, securely, and safely has become a high-demand specialisation in our economy.

Datafication increases the demand for IT specialists, data scientists, engineers, technicians, managers, and many other positions. Even better, anyone with a solid understanding of technology can pursue certification in data-related specialisations to find work in this field. Data occupations are about skills rather than high-level qualifications.

Let’s have a look at some common data jobs:

  • Engineers in Big Data
  • Engineers in Robotics
  • Information Technology Architect
  • Analyst of Business Intelligence
  • Information scientists

Reality Extensified

From virtual reality to augmented reality to mixed reality and everything in between, extended reality encompasses all technologies that replicate reality. It is an important technological trend right now since we all want to break free from the world’s so-called real bounds. This technology is extremely popular among gamers, medical professionals, retail and modelling professionals, and others since it creates a reality without any physical presence.

In terms of virtual reality, gaming is a critical sector for popular occupations that do not demand advanced degrees but rather a desire for online gaming. To pursue a successful career in this specialisation, you can study game design, animation, or even editing programmes.

Meanwhile, here are some of the greatest careers in AR, VR, and emergency medicine:

  • Architect for Extended Reality
  • Front-line Lead Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Support engineers for AR/VR
  • Game Developers
  • Professional gamers
  • Artistic Directors

RPA stands for Robotic Process Automation.

Robotic process automation, like AI and machine learning, is a technology that automates jobs. RPA is the use of software to automate business operations such as application interpretation, transaction processing, data handling, and even email response. RPA automates repetitive tasks that previously required human labour.

Although Forrester Research forecasts that RPA automation could endanger the livelihoods of 230 million or more knowledge workers, or around 9% of the global population, RPA is also creating new jobs and changing old ones. According to McKinsey, less than 5% of vocations can be completely automated, but over 60% can be somewhat mechanised.

RPA provides numerous job prospects for you as an IT professional looking to the future and attempting to comprehend current technological developments, including developer, project manager, business analyst, solution architect, and consultant.

And these professions are well-paying, making them the next technology trend to keep an eye on! Mastering RPA will help you acquire high-paying positions like:

  • RPA Programmer
  • RPA Consultant
  • RPA Designer

Three-dimensional Printing

3D printing, which is used to create prototypes, is an important trend in innovation and technology. This technique has had a significant impact in the biomedical and industrial sectors. We never imagined printing an actual product on a printer, but it is now a reality. As a result, 3D printing is yet another breakthrough that is here to stay.

Various occupations pay highly and are international for organisations in the data and healthcare sectors that demand a lot of 3D printing for their products. All you need is a solid understanding of AI, machine learning, modelling, and 3D printing.

Let’s have a look at the greatest jobs in this field:

  • CX Programme Director
  • 3D Printer Designer
  • Engineer in Prototyping Emulation
  • Robotics Instructor
  • AI Developer
  • Operations Supervisor
  • Designer of Organs and Prosthetics


Consider a technology that can study and use your DNA to improve your health, assisting you in the fight against diseases and the like! Genomics is the technology that investigates the composition of genes and DNAs, their mapping, structure, and so on. Furthermore, this can help measure your genes, which can lead to the discovery of diseases or other potential health issues.

When it comes to a specialisation like genomics, there are both technical and non-technical professions available. Technical occupations in this field focus on designing, analysing, and diagnosing, whereas non-technical jobs focus on higher levels of research and theoretical analysis.

The following are the top genomics jobs:

  • Analyst in Bioinformatics
  • Analyst for Genome Research
  • Full-Stack Programmer
  • Software Developer
  • Bioinformatics
  • Genetics Designer

Alternative Energy Sources

For the sake of its landscapes and the energy we use, the globe has committed to going greener. As a result, cars run on electricity or batteries, while homes use greener options such as solar and renewable energy. What’s more, people are aware of their carbon footprints and waste, so reducing them or converting them to renewable energy is much more beneficial.

This spawned a new technological trend: energy solutions! This alternative energy sector is also increasing environmental and data-related jobs. These jobs are for people with science specialisations and social science credentials.

Let’s take a look at some of the best jobs in New Energy:

  • Energy Expert (Solar, Thermal, Hydropower, etc.)
  • Solar Plant Energy Design
  • Climate Strategy Expert
  • Project Coordinator
  • Chemical Power
  • Biotechnology Expert
  • Renewable Energy Technician

Computing at the Periphery

Cloud computing, which was once a novel technology trend to follow, has now gone mainstream, with key firms like AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform dominating the industry. Cloud computing popularity is still increasing as more firms transition to a cloud solution.

However, it is no longer an emergent technology trend. The edge is that as the volume of data that organisations must deal with continues to grow, they have recognised the limitations of cloud computing in particular instances.

Edge computing is intended to address some of these issues by avoiding the latency imposed by cloud computing and delivering data to a data centre for processing. It can reside “on the edge,” so to speak, closer to where computation is required.

As a result, edge computing can be used to process time-sensitive data in remote places where access to a central location is limited or non-existent. Edge computing can function as tiny datacenters in certain instances.

Keeping up with cloud computing (including new-age edge and quantum computing) will help you land fantastic employment, such as:

  • Engineer for Cloud Reliability
  • Engineer, Cloud Infrastructure
  • Security Architect and Cloud Architect
  • Cloud DevOps Engineer

Computing at the Quantum Level

The next notable technological trend is quantum computing, which is a type of computing that makes use of quantum phenomena such as superposition and quantum entanglement. Because of its ability to readily query, monitor, analyse, and act on data from any source, this fantastic technology trend is also involved in avoiding the spread of the coronavirus and developing viable vaccines.

Banking and finance are also finding uses for quantum computing, such as credit risk management, high-frequency trading, and fraud detection.

Quantum computers are now many times faster than ordinary computers, and major brands such as Splunk, Honeywell, Microsoft, AWS, Google, and others are currently active in quantum computing innovation. The global quantum computing market is expected to surpass $2.5 billion by 2029.

To make a name for yourself in this emerging field, you should be familiar with quantum mechanics, linear algebra, probability, information theory, and machine learning.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and extended reality (ER) are the next remarkable technology trends. VR immerses the user in an environment, whereas AR enriches it. Although this technology trend has so far been mostly employed for entertainment, it has also been used for training, such as with VirtualShip, a simulation software used to train U.S. captains of ships in the Navy, Army, and Coast Guard.

We may expect these kinds of technologies to be further incorporated into our lives by 2024. AR and VR, which typically function in concert with some of the other developing technologies described in this list, have immense potential in training, entertainment, education, marketing, and even injury rehabilitation. Either may be used to instruct surgeons to do surgery, provide a more immersive experience for museum visitors, improve theme parks, or even improve marketing, as seen with this Pepsi Max bus shelter.

While some employers may seek optics as a skill set, keep in mind that getting started in VR doesn’t require a lot of specialised expertise—simple programming abilities and a forward-thinking mindset can secure a job—another reason why this new technology trend should be on your radar!


Although most people associate blockchain technology with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, blockchain technology provides security that is valuable in a variety of different ways. In its most basic form, blockchain is data that you can only add to, not subtract from or change. Because you’re creating a data chain, the term “chain” was coined. The inability to update earlier blocks is what makes it so secure. Furthermore, because blockchains are consensus-driven, no single party can gain ownership of the data. Blockchain eliminates the requirement for a trusted third party to manage or confirm transactions.

Several sectors are involving and implementing blockchain technology, and as the use of blockchain technology grows, so does the demand for experienced personnel. A blockchain developer specialises in building and implementing architecture and solutions based on blockchain technology.

If you are interested in blockchain and its applications and want to pursue a career in this trending technology, now is the time to begin. To enter the blockchain industry, you must have prior knowledge of programming languages, OOPS concepts, flat and relational databases, data structures, web app development, and networking.

Understanding blockchain can help you advance in a number of disciplines and industries, including:

  • Risk Manager
  • Technical Architect
  • Crypto Community Administrator
  • Front-end Developer

IoT (Internet of Things)

IoT is another exciting new technology trend. Many “things” are now designed with WiFi connectivity, allowing them to connect to the Internet—and to one another. As a result, the Internet of Things, or IoT, was born. The Internet of Things is the future, and it has already enabled electronics, home appliances, cars, and other items to be connected to the Internet and share data.

We are already using and benefiting from IoT as consumers. We can remotely lock our doors as we leave for work and prepare our ovens on our way home from work, all while tracking our fitness with Fitbits. Businesses, on the other hand, stand to benefit greatly both now and in the near future. As data is collected and analysed, the Internet of Things can improve corporate safety, efficiency, and decision-making. It has the potential to enable predictive maintenance, accelerate medical care, improve customer service, and provide benefits we have yet to envision.

And we’re just getting started with this new technology trend: by 2030, about 50 billion of these IoT gadgets are expected to be in use around the world, creating a huge web of interconnected items ranging from smartphones to kitchen appliances. And if you want to work in this hot technology, you’ll need to learn about information security, AI and machine learning principles, networking, hardware interfaces, data analytics, automation, embedded system understanding, and device and design expertise.


5G is the next technological development to emerge after IoT. Whereas 3G and 4G technologies allowed us to access the internet, use data-driven services, improve bandwidths for streaming on Spotify or YouTube, and do a variety of other things, 5G services are predicted to revolutionise our lives.

By enabling applications that rely on sophisticated technologies such as AR and VR, in addition to cloud-based gaming services such as Google Stadia, NVidia GeForce Now, and others. It is projected to be employed in industries such as HD cameras that aid in traffic management and safety, smart grid control, and smart retail.

Almost every telecom business, including Verizon, T-Mobile, Apple, Nokia Corp., and QualComm, is now developing 5G apps. 5G network subscriptions are expected to reach 4.4 billion by the end of 2027, making it an emerging technology trend to keep an eye on and reserve a spot in.

Cyber Defence

Given that it has been around for a long time, cyber security may not appear to be a new technology trend, but it is evolving much like other technologies. This is due in part to the fact that threats are continually evolving. Malevolent hackers attempting to illegally access data will not give up easily, and they will continue to develop ways to circumvent even the most stringent security measures. It’s also because new technology is being used to improve security.

As long as there are hackers, cybersecurity will be a popular technology because it will always grow to combat them. By 2025, 60% of organisations will use cybersecurity risk as a main decision in performing third-party transactions and business engagements, according to Gartner.

It is important to highlight that, while the industry is difficult, it also offers substantial six-figure salaries, and responsibilities can range from

  • Hacker with Integrity
  • Malware Specialist
  • Engineer in Security
  • CSO (Chief Security Officer)

Trust in the Digital Age: With individuals being accommodated and entwined with devices and technology, confidence and trust in digital technologies have grown. This familiar digital trust is another important development that will lead to additional breakthroughs. People who have digital conviction think that technology can build a secure, safe, and dependable digital world and assist businesses in inventing and innovating without fear of losing the public’s trust.

Cybersecurity and ethical hacking are two significant specialisations you can pursue to make the digital world a safer place. There are a variety of occupations available in these two industries, ranging from junior to senior levels. Professional credentials may be required for ethical hacking; however, a diploma or even a master’s degree is sufficient for a high-paying career in cybersecurity.

The following are the top jobs in cybersecurity and ethical hacking:

  • Cybersecurity Expert
  • Penetration Examiner
  • Engineer in Security
  • Architect for Security
  • Engineer in Security Automation
  • Network Security Consultant

Above, we have listed and highlighted a couple of promising career paths for someone who wishes to get into and stick with this latest emerging technology.Best wishes, and take the world in your stride!

4 thoughts on “Jobs With High Pay: The New Technology Trends

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