WFY Today

Successful In Uniting Communities: Best Uplifting Iftar Celebrations Held

Bahrain: In a heartwarming display of unity and community spirit, the Indian Club and IndEx Bahrain jointly organised an Iftar celebration at the Askar Sibarco Labour Camp. The event was attended by over 250 people, including workers from the labour camp, social leaders, and members of the Indian Club and IndEx Bahrain.

The Iftar celebration was organised under the leadership of ICRF member and social worker Siraj Kottarakkara, with the support of Dar Al Shifa Hospital. The event was a beautiful display of solidarity and compassion, as people from all walks of life came together to break bread and share in the joy of Ramadan.

The Indian Club officials, including Anish Varghese and Aji Bhasi, and IndEx officials Rafeeq Abdullah and Lateef Ayanchery, were all present for the Iftar celebration. Sibarco’s General foreman, Mohammed Saleem, also attended the event.

The organisers of the Iftar celebration expressed their joy and gratitude at being able to bring a sense of community and togetherness to the workers at the labour camp. They also pledged to organise more similar events in the future in order to continue spreading the message of unity and compassion throughout the community.

During the event, the officials shared their thoughts on the importance of unity and compassion, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan. Mr. Anish Varghese, one of the Indian Club officials, stated that “Ramadan is a time to come together as a community, to support one another, and to share in the joy of this special month. We are proud to be able to organise this Iftar celebration and to help bring people together.”

Rafeeq Abdullah, one of the IndEx officials, echoed these sentiments, saying that “the spirit of Ramadan is about compassion, empathy, and unity.” “We are honoured to be able to participate in this Iftar celebration and to help spread this message of togetherness throughout our community.”

The event was also an opportunity for the organisers to express their gratitude to the workers at the labour camp, who play an essential role in the development and growth of Bahrain.  Mohammed Saleem, the Sibarco’s General Foreman, thanked the workers for their hard work and dedication, saying that “we are grateful for everything that you do, and we want you to know that you are valued members of our community.”

The event was a wonderful testament to the spirit of Ramadan, as people from all backgrounds and cultures came together to celebrate the breaking of the fast. It was an opportunity for people to connect with one another, to share their stories and experiences, and to build a sense of community that will last long after Ramadan has ended. Overall, the Iftar celebration organised by the Indian Club and IndEx Bahrain was a resounding success and a testament to the power of community and unity in bringing people together during the holy month of Ramadan.

Sarmistha Dey

Sarmistha Dey is an Indian Diaspora staff reporter at WFY, Bahrain bureau. She is an experienced HR and media professional. She is a poet as well as a singer.

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