The Invisible Shackles
Walking through the street of mansions
Where shining light of name boards splashes
Warning us there, “commoners are you “
As if our movements there cause sore view …
Huge gates clamouring like arch rivals
Gauging cruise-like cars’ arrival
Poshly clad lasses ‘n lads descend
Closely saluting ostiaries bend
A Dobermann comes wagging his tail
A doorman reporting that day’s mail
An orderly comes with water and hails
As shadow of pomp leaves its trails
Not a single word uttered among
Hot meals served, at table along.,
Busy business talks steal the zeal
Hazy it makes the bonding at meal
I, me, mine thoughts prevail always
”Why should I?” passes the minds at sighs
Disowned souls, sleep under same roof…
Dilapidated is the mind-binding roof!!
Tied among selves with queer mind-tides
Vied and stressed by trivial hind-sights
Convinced of just dimes and nickels
Invisible, yet prevail the shackles