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Upcoming movie: Aadhi Yogi which speaks volumes of Tamil-origin lawyer-activist’s struggle to uphold human rights set to make a splash

Aadhi Yogi, an upcoming English and Tamil language film, which seeks to depict the trials and tribulations of the life of eminent Tamil-origin human rights lawyer and celebrated death penalty abolitionist, looks set to make waves.

The movie seeks to explore the roots of the Tamils and extols the rich culture and tradition of the community.

Ravi Madasamy, who is better known as M Ravi, is based in Singapore. The activist and writer best known for his involvement in numerous high-profile court cases related to human rights issues in Singapore, including the death penalty, freedom of expression, LGBT rights and voting rights,drew courage from cultural and spiritual moorings of Tamils. Through the reel depiction of life and contribution of M Ravi, an ardent seeker of divinity, audiences can get a good peek into the larger-than-usual humanistic approach of the human rights lawyer in a land which is situated far away from his ancestral land of Tamil Nadu. M Ravi is also been appointed as Indian Diaspora Ambassador, Singapore.

His contribution towards human rights issues such as death penalty abolition in Singapore, known as ‘Disneyland of death’ has already earned him enough fame worldwide. The movie, which will be shoot primarily in Singapore and partly in India, is going to explore the contribution of the humanist that Ravi is and his close and seamless interaction with Malay and Chinese culture in Singapore.

Speaking on the movie, director Prem Li said, “The movie harps on the subject of sanctity of human life, which can’t be taken by anyone under any circumstances. It is based on the life of eminent human rights activist M Ravi, who is an eminent lawyer. His ancestors have migrated to Singapore few hundred years ago. The film speaks about the greatness of Tamil people, Kumari Kandam, the superior scientific and cultural aspects upheld by Tamils. I think it has all the ingredients to pull good crowd.”

The film is scheduled to be released in September.

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