Art And Culture


Childhood was amazing, so was the surrounding,
Family members were many and we were all merry,
School had a ground where I played around,
My paintings and trophies were always doing the round.

I then went to college which was well before my marriage,
There I made friends many and we all were merry,
I went briefly to the nursery with our lecturer of botany,
The sepal and the petal, they were oh so many.

But it was the great Shakespeare that was my peer,
Cause I was to make his language my career,
I enjoyed studying him year after year,
Along with the other writers of his calibre.

The office where I worked, was a place full of life,
But there was nothing of my own ‘cos I was far away from home,
In sickness or otherwise, I tried to feel nice,
But that was life at least for the present time.

Then I was back home after many many days,
For preparations of my much awaited wedding day,
To a person I cherish oh so every day,
As we prepared to fly far far away,
Through  life’s myriad and amazing pathways.

-Sudha Mukhopadhyay

Sudha Mukhopadhyay

Sudha Mukhopadhyay, having spent two decades abroad (Japan, Qatar, Dubai, and Saudi), has now returned to Chennai. Previously employed in the Indian General Insurance industry, she ventured beyond borders. Alongside her passion for writing short stories and poems, she finds solace in painting on canvases, using acrylic, oil, and watercolors, as well as sketching. She perceives art as a mirror of existence.

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