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New: High Doses Of Antibiotics can Cause Severe Health Problems.

The misuse of antibiotics occurs when they are prescribed but not necessary. Among the greatest medical advancements are antibiotics. Bacteria that are resistant have been created, however, by overprescribing them.

What Is Overuse of Antibiotics?

When antibiotics are used when not necessary, it is known as antibiotic overuse. One of the greatest discoveries in medicine is the antibiotic. But overprescribing them has resulted in bacteria that are resistant, making them more difficult to cure.

Once very susceptible to antibiotics, certain bacteria are become increasingly resistant to them. More severe infections such skin infections, TB, and pneumococcal infections (pneumonia, ear infections, sinus infections, and meningitis) may result from this.

Antibiotics Treat What?

People can become ill from two main types of germs: viruses and bacteria. Although they can cause illnesses with same symptoms, they grow and disseminate disease in various ways:

Single-celled organisms, bacteria are living things. There are bacteria everywhere, and the majority of them are both beneficial and harmless. However, some bacteria are dangerous and can make you sick by entering your body, growing, and interfering with your regular functions.

Antibiotics combat bacteria by halting their development and reproduction, which results in the death of these living things. However, viruses are not living things. A virus can only divide and grow once it has infected other live cells.

What Takes Place If Antibiotics Are Taken Too Much?

Antibiotics don’t work for colds or other viral infections, and they can even make bacteria more resistant to destruction.

Antibiotics can alter bacteria so much when taken excessively or inappropriately that they lose their ability to combat them. Antibiotic resistance or bacterial resistance is what is meant by this. These days, certain bacteria can withstand even the strongest drugs.

How Can Parents Help?

Every family experiences occasional viral infections, sore throats, and colds. It is vital to know that you should not anticipate receiving an antibiotic prescription when you take your child to the doctor for these conditions.

To reduce the possibility of bacterial resistance and avoid the overuse of antibiotics:

Find out from your doctor whether the disease in your child is viral or bacterial. Go over the advantages and disadvantages of antibiotics.

Find more about treatment options if the illness is viral. Refrain from pressuring your physician to give you antibiotics. Allow less severe ailments to resolve on their own, particularly those brought on by viruses. This keeps bacteria from developing an immunity to antibiotics. Antibiotics must be taken for the entire duration that the doctor prescribes. If not, the infection can return.

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