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Now you know about one of the most beautiful towns of the US .

Smaller villages dotting the nation are home to some of the most breathtaking locations in the United States; these communities are frequently eclipsed by the busier and more well-liked tourist attractions located in larger cities.

To see the beauty that America has to offer, it is worthwhile to explore the less-traveled towns.A list of the top 20 “most beautiful small towns” in the United States was created by Travel + Leisure.

These stunning places, with fewer than 20,000 residents, “offer a glimpse [of the] variety of gorgeous places” across the nation, including a small Hawaiian island known as “Pineapple Island,” a bay in California, and an Alaskan town overlooking glaciers.

Sedona, Arizona, a place with towering red rocks and an almost otherworldly beauty, is on the list. Recently, the city was named one of America’s most beautiful cities by another outlet.

T+L had the following to say about Sedona:

The fact about Sedona Is that it is aesthetically breathtaking. That particularly applies to its red rocks. The red sandstone buttes and spires of the formations are primarily responsible for their striking appearance; the houses situated amidst them tend to become inconspicuous.

Nearby Clarkdale, which is also in Verde Valley, has a charming city and is encircled by greenery with red cliffs bordering the horizon.

This place rivals Sedona in terms of charm.”To learn more about the most picturesque little towns in the nation, view the whole list at Travel + Leisure.

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