Art And Culture

SONG OF THE DIVINE – A poem by Rema Pisharody

It is music of the ocean,

So vast and deep,

So profound and primal

Of the hills and dales

Of pastures and paddocks

Of rivers and brooks

Of forests and plainland

It is not prosaic,

It is not ordinary

It is where the magical strings

Resonate in tune

With the sublime serene nature

Behind the closed doors

Where souls meditate in silence

In fragrance of the most

Soothing floweret

Much away from the roaring swarm

Its’ music of the divine

Heard from within

Heard from Surbahar

From a pure heart

So unique..

Soul filling!

Rema Pisharody

Rema Pisharody is a writer from Bangalore. She is an environmentalist and a nature lover. She holds a Masters in Sociology and is a former employee of BPL Corporate Office, Bangalore. Poetry for her is soul search, to find the innermost being. She is one of the prize recipients of the Prestegious Prime India Poetry Contest and Haven International Poetry Contest. She writes on global platforms and now resides in Bangalore. She is on the editorial board of Sarga Women's Magazine and the Vice President of Creative Women.

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