WFY Today

The UK announces new visas to attract university graduates, job offer not needed.

The UK is planning to introduce yet another visa to attract high potential individuals and fresh university graduates to the country. The High Potential Individual (HPI) visa from the UK is aimed at attracting high-skilled foreign university graduates, likely to be launched on May 30. The graduates will be allowed to work and stay in the UK for two or three years, depending on their degree. As per a report by a news agency, the applicants won’t need a job offer or sponsorship to apply for the High Potential Individual visa, and holders of this visa will be free to come to the UK to work, and set up as self-employed, and volunteer.

If the applicant’s degree wasn’t in English, then they will need to pass at least the B1 level of an accepted English language test. If their degree was taught in English, they will need a certificate from the university transcript. If the degree was awarded outside the UK, the applicants will need confirmation from Ecctis that the qualification meets the required standards of a UK bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate. The Financial requirement will be that the applicant has to show the equivalent of at least 1,270 pounds in your bank account for a continuous 28-day period no later than 31 days before making the High Potential Individual visa application. If the applicants are a resident in the UK for more than 12 months, they might not need to meet this requirement.  The HPI visa will be given for two years. The visa can only be granted once and will not be available to those who have already had a Graduate visa.

Vinod Nair

V VInod Nair. Film Critic, Writer, Designer, Blogger, photographer Former Visualiser with Indian Express Newspapers Ltd, former Special Info-Graphic Designer with The Times of India. Contributor, film critic The TImes of India. Freelance journalist.

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