World Politics

UK Impact Now: The Deportation Plan For Illegal Migrants

What will be the impact of the deportation plan on Indian illegal migrants in the UK?

The plan to relocate some migrants to Rwanda received parliamentary approval early Tuesday, marking a significant step forward for British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. He declared that the deportation flights would commence in July.

What is the current plan for deportations in Rwanda?

Under a five-year agreement, the UK is planning to relocate certain asylum seekers to Rwanda for the processing of their claims. It will only apply to individuals who arrive in the UK without proper authorization after January 1, 2022.

If their efforts succeed, they might qualify for refugee status and receive permission to stay. Alternatively, they have the option to seek asylum in another “safe third country” or apply to settle in Rwanda based on different criteria.

Under this arrangement, there would be no possibility for any asylum seeker to apply to return to the UK.

What is the plan for deporting migrants from Rwanda in Britain?

Rishi Sunak, the British Prime Minister, announced that he will send back asylum seekers to Rwanda within 10 to 12 weeks. This decision comes after parliament passed long-awaited legislation to streamline the deportation process for those who enter Britain without permission.

In November of last year, the Supreme Court ruled the policy unlawful. However, Sunak insists that the new law supersedes any legal concerns and will effectively fulfil his promise to prevent individuals from arriving via small boats across the Channel.

Here are some important details regarding the plan and the migration issue:

What factors contribute to Britain’s ongoing immigration debate?

The decision to leave the European Union in 2016 was heavily influenced by the desire to regain control over Britain’s borders and put an end to the free movement of people into the country. Recent polls indicate that it continues to be a significant concern for voters.

The official figures reveal that the annual net migration to Britain in 2022 reached a record high of 745,000. In response, Sunak has outlined a range of measures aimed at reducing legal migration by 300,000.

In addition, he has made a commitment to prevent individuals from undertaking the perilous voyage spanning approximately 20 miles across the Channel in small boats. Last year, over 29,000 individuals made their way here, following the previous year’s record of 45,775 migrants arriving in 2022.

In the current year, there has been a significant increase in the number of people detected, reaching a total of 6,265. This represents a nearly 25% rise compared to the corresponding period in 2023.

What is Britain’s strategy for Rwanda?

The former Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, agreed to the scheme in April 2022. It involves sending individuals who entered Britain illegally after January 1, 2022, to Rwanda, which is approximately 4,000 miles away.

Nevertheless, the inaugural deportation flight in June 2022 faced opposition from European judges. The Supreme Court has upheld a ruling that declares the scheme unlawful because it could potentially harm migrants by sending them back to their home countries or other nations where they might face mistreatment.

Although there have been no deportations, Britain has already provided Rwanda with over 200 million pounds. The cost of resettling around 300 refugees could exceed 600 million pounds.

Currently, there is a potential for around 50,000 individuals to be relocated there, although it is still uncertain how many people Rwanda has the capacity to accommodate.

What makes the Rwanda policy such a crucial matter for Sunak?

Upon assuming the role of prime minister in late 2022, Sunak swiftly identified his commitment to “stop the boats” as one of his foremost objectives. Britain’s annual expenditure on processing asylum applications exceeds 3 billion pounds, while the daily cost of accommodating migrants awaiting a decision in hotels and other accommodations amounts to approximately 8 million pounds. The latest figures indicate that there are still over 80,000 asylum applications awaiting decision.

What does Sunak’s “Safety of Rwanda” law entail?

In response to the concerns raised by the Supreme Court, Sunak has reached an agreement with Rwanda to establish a new treaty. This treaty aims to guarantee the direct return of asylum seekers deported to Rwanda to Britain, rather than sending them to any other country.

The government has expressed concerns about the compatibility of his proposed bill with the European Convention on Human Rights. However, the bill asserts that Rwanda is a safe country. Ministers have sole authority to determine compliance with any injunction from the European Court of Human Rights, disregarding certain sections of Britain’s Human Rights Act.

Nevertheless, the law has faced extensive backlash, with criticism coming from various quarters, including members of Sunak’s own Conservative Party and the United Nations human rights chief.

Will the deportation flights from Rwanda be allowed to proceed?

In a recent announcement, Sunak revealed that the government has made preparations to transport migrants to Rwanda. To achieve this, the government has secured commercial charter planes, put an airfield on standby, and trained staff. The first flight is scheduled to depart within the next 10–12 weeks.

However, there are some members of Sunak’s party who believe that the new law falls short in its efforts to limit the ability of asylum seekers to appeal against their deportation. The legislation implies that British courts will not have the authority to assess the safety of Rwanda. However, individual cases may still need to be examined based on very specific criteria.

The ECHR has made changes to its rules regarding injunctions, now reserving them for “exceptional circumstances.” This means that the court could potentially issue orders to block deportation flights once again. The president has emphasised that Britain is legally obligated to adhere to its rulings. “I will always prioritise our national security over membership in a foreign court,” stated Sunak on Monday, emphasising the importance of securing our borders.”

According to unions, government staff would need to change parliament’s civil service code to disregard ECHR rulings when instructed by ministers. Otherwise, they caution that they may pursue legal recourse.

How does Britain’s standing compare to that of other nations?

Several European countries, including Germany, have implemented stricter border controls in response to immigration concerns. Additionally, European lawmakers have recently approved a revised migration system aimed at reducing unwanted immigration.

In addition to that, Denmark has signed a similar agreement with Rwanda, although they have not yet relocated any migrants there. Meanwhile, Italy has revealed its intentions to construct reception centres in Albania. Israel terminated a comparable agreement with Rwanda after a period of five years, as the Israeli Supreme Court ruled it illegal due to Rwanda’s failure to fulfil the promised assurances.

What is the rationale behind the UK’s decision to deport asylum seekers?

The government asserts that the plan will discourage individuals from trying to reach the UK by small boats across the English Channel. Sunak has indicated plans for “multiple flights a month through the summer and beyond,” but he has not revealed the exact number of people on these flights. According to reports, the government has made necessary preparations, including expanding detention spaces to 2,200 and assigning 200 dedicated caseworkers to speed up processing. In addition, the report mentioned that there are 25 courtrooms and 150 judges available to handle legal cases related to the plan.

What impact will the Rwanda plan have on Indians?

In 2023, the number of Indians seeking asylum in the UK exceeded 5,000 for the first time. In the post-pandemic era, Afghanistan emerged as the country with the highest number of applications, with nearly 9,300 individuals seeking refuge. Iran followed closely behind with 7,397 applications, while Pakistan and India also had significant numbers with 5,273 and 5,253 applications, respectively. These figures are based on data from the UK Home Office for the month of March.

In 2023, over 1,000 individuals from India embarked on a perilous journey across the English Channel, braving the treacherous waters in inflatable small boats. Their motivation? They are seeking job opportunities and asylum in the United Kingdom.

In the past year, a total of 1,192 Indian migrants undertook a dangerous journey in their quest to reach the UK. India ranked ninth, with a significant number of individuals from Afghanistan (5,545 people), Iran (3,562), and Turkey (3,060 people) successfully crossing into the UK. A report has highlighted a notable increase in the proportion of young Indian migrants who entered the UK illegally in 2023. According to the report, individuals between the ages of 18 and 29 accounted for nearly 60 percent of the total number of illegal Indian migrants.

Selvan Durairaj

Selvan Durairaj is the founder of two organizations Tech Dravid and Tanni. Tech Dravid, Inc. is a cutting-edge Tech Startup that aims to provide lifelong support to highly skilled individuals in the technology industry. The mission is to accelerate digitalization through diversity by offering meaningful career opportunities supported by data and algorithms. On the other hand, ‘Tanni’ is a non-profit organization based in India that operates as a “Non-Monetary Social Experiment.” It provides a platform for people to connect with each other through gratitude by giving and receiving what they love and excel at without using money. Selvan Durairaj strongly believes in the importance of achieving both economic growth and a society that promotes emotional well-being. His personal mission is to provide opportunities for individuals to make them shine. Prior to founding Tech Dravid and Tanni, Selvan served as the Head of Asia at Densen Innovative Technologies, where he was instrumental in establishing numerous global business partnerships. Today, Selvan is dedicated to providing opportunities for individuals to excel in both non-monetary and business fields through his work at Tech Dravid and Tanni.

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