
Vibrant Hopeful Spring Is Here

Editorial February

February is a month that brings with it a sense of renewal and fresh beginnings. As the winter months come to a close and spring approaches, we are reminded of the resilience and determination that has helped us navigate the challenges of the past year. The advent of spring is a very warm and refreshing experience.

The past year has been a difficult one for many, as the COVID-19 pandemic has affected nearly every aspect of our lives. However, throughout this time, members of the Indian diaspora have shown remarkable strength and resilience. From the front-line workers who have risked their own health to keep our communities safe, to the small business owners who have adapted and pivoted to keep their doors open, to the students who have continued their education in the face of unprecedented obstacles, the Indian diaspora has proven to be a shining example of determination and perseverance.

As we look ahead to the coming months, we must continue to support and uplift one another. Now more than ever, it is important that we come together as a community to support and uplift one another. Whether it’s through volunteering, supporting local businesses, or simply reaching out to a friend or family member in need, we can all play a role in helping our community to thrive.

We must also take the time to celebrate and acknowledge the achievements and contributions of members of the Indian diaspora. The Indian diaspora has a rich history of excellence and achievement, and it is important that we take the time to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of our community members. From artists and musicians to scientists and entrepreneurs, the Indian diaspora has much to be proud of.

As you are aware, that we have initiated our campaign titled “Keep The Door Open,” seeking dual citizenship for the Indian Diaspora spread across the globe in India. We are in the process of meeting with the Indian lawmakers, diplomats, eminent personalities, social workers, media, and press, to garner support for the campaign and also making them aware of why dual citizenship could be granted.

In this regard, we seek support from the Indian Diaspora spread across the world. Join us, contribute and support us in all ways you can.

Most of the countries worldwide are allowing dual citizenship these days as people have spread their wings internationally and set up bases in many countries.

The migrants from India, especially from the states of Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, and southern states, have a huge impact in this regard. Those who leave India in search of employment end up naturalising themselves in the countries where they reside and work. The India in them will never cease to exist, but unfortunately, as India does not allow dual citizenship, they have to give up their Indian citizenship in case they become citizens of another country.

Back home, these people have elderly parents, relatives, and ancestral lands. This has been a huge area of concern for the new immigrants. Also, we should try to reach out to people of Indian origin whose parents or great-grandparents were from India and connect them to their roots.

Connecting Dots … Connecting Roots…

Let us not close the doors when our children leave for work or in search of a better life. Instead, let us keep it open for them to come back anytime.

At times we are a Guiarati, Goan, Punjabi, Bengali, Tamilian, Malayali, etc. community, but at our core we are Indians, and that’s our inherent identity. The world needs us today. Our values and culture will help the world heal better. We Indians have always believed that giving is more important than taking.

In conclusion, as we move forward into February, let us remember the resilience and determination that has helped us navigate the challenges of the past year. By continuing to support and uplift one another, we can help our community to thrive, and by celebrating and acknowledging the achievements and contributions of our community members, we can continue to build a stronger, more vibrant Indian diaspora.

Till we meet here again,


Melwyn Williams

Melwyn is a renowned film actor, producer, writer and director in the Indian film Industry. He is a writer as well as a journalist. He has contributed immensely to the world of art, literature and cinema. He is the founder of LADAKH INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, LIFF. He has been active in the film industry for more than two decades. Melwyn believes that AESTHETICS is the next big thing to be incorporated in all spheres of life and technology. Website

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