Art And Culture

A Summer in Saudi

When we get used to living in a desert

That sees all the four seasons on this earth,

We see HOPE with laughter, levity and mirth,

And we dance around in glee in a yellow skirt.

When Percy Bysshe Shelly did us remind

“If winter comes can spring be far behind”,

We say “If summer comes can autumn be far behind”

And we sail through the heat with a hopeful mind.

When heat is the ruler of the summer season,

We enjoy the fruits for a particular reason,

A ripe mango being the king of fruitdom,

We eat it with delight and gay abandon.

When pigeons come to our window for a little shelter,

And also in the many shadows here and asunder,

It always makes me and many others wonder

If they are ever safe in a sudden thunder.

For now the Bard’s “Eye of Heaven” is ashine,

And I pray for the days when heat will decline,

We say “If summer comes can autumn be far behind”

And we sail through the heat with a hopeful mind.

And we sail through the heat with a hopeful mind.

Sudha Mukhopadhyay

Sudha Mukhopadhyay, having spent two decades abroad (Japan, Qatar, Dubai, and Saudi), has now returned to Chennai. Previously employed in the Indian General Insurance industry, she ventured beyond borders. Alongside her passion for writing short stories and poems, she finds solace in painting on canvases, using acrylic, oil, and watercolors, as well as sketching. She perceives art as a mirror of existence.

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