Done Well! Gone for Good
You have done well with ego and pride
Although the arrows of complaint,
Wounded my mind
Well done! You stopped talking
I talk to myself now
Sometimes in conversation
Sometime in mourning
Forgetting everything that was
In the sense of every word you made,
I blindly searched for the meaning
Sometime you were relaxed as poetry
Never again have you fallen like a fountain
I don’t know whether it was perfect or not.
But passed a quarter of a century
Sometimes weaving nets
Sometimes cutting nets
Hundreds of unwritten letters
have been burnt in the kitchen
fire “sughrain “ or intense hatred came out

Let’s go for a walk, in the mountain or in the sea
You can go to the deep forest or an unnamed island
not bathed for a long time
Sometimes lazy
Written on every page of life
The events today seem to be stories
You forgot and did well
What is the use of remembering everything!
In the obsession old dreams, go to sleep in a deep broken sleep
From there in the shapeless and imagery in the colours of canvas
From the crowd of an innumerable cuts in my poetry book
– Sarmistha Dey
Its like you learn my mind! You appear to understand a lot approximately this, like you wrote the book in it or something. I feel that you just could do with some to power the message home a little bit, but other than that, that is magnificent blog. A fantastic read. I will certainly be back.