PadmaShri Solomon Pappaiah honoured in Kingdom of Bahrain.
A Grand event took place to honor PadmaShri Solomon pappaiah and also to entertain the crowd, the most famous Tamil debate show took place in Bahrain Keraleeya Samajam in Segaya organized by Annai Tamil Mandram (ATM) on behalf of the entire Tamil community of Bahrain.

Mr.Ravishankar Shukla, the Second Secretary of Indian embassy and Dr.Suad Yaseen, Chairman of Board of Directors of Al Yassin Training center and Ambassador of peace and goodwill and also honored as one of the pioneers of peace makers in the world (The Arab –European Center for Human Rights and International Law in Norway) were invited as the chief guests. Also, Many leading Businessmen from various companies and all Indian communities in Bahrain took part in the event.

The event began with State Anthem in Tamil called as “Tamilthaai Vaalthu” followed by Bahrain National Anthem, Indian national Anthem and 1min silent prayer was maintained as a tribute to the souls of corona victims.
The function began with an Auspicious event of lightening the lamp. The program had a traditional dance which is Bharathanaatyam followed by TamilNadu cultural dance followed by Cultural dance of Andhra Pradesh.

The chief guest Mr. Ravishankar Sukhla Second Secretary The Embassy of India Bahrain and Dr. Suad Yaseen were honored by the Annai tamil mandram President Mr.Senthil.G.K. and General Secretary Mr.M.Thamarai Kannan. The event was fantastically coordinated by the two lustrous comperes Mrs. Sangeetha Xavier and Mrs. Janani Shankar. Welcome speech delivered by Mr. Palanichamy, Event co-ordinator of Annai Tamil Mandram.
Padma Shri Solomon Pappaiah was awarded the Title “Tamil Thayin Thalai Magan Award 2022″(1st son of the Language Tamil) by the Annai Tamil Mandram to honor Shri Solomon Pappiah got his Padma Shri Award.

Mr.Khalil Al Daylami, the social worker who was awarded ‘YOU ARE THE HERO’ by the government of Bahrain was honored by the Annai Tamil Mandram. Prominent Social Workers and Event sponsors were also honored by the executive members of Annai Tamil Mandram.
The children who took Tamil as an optional language from the Indian school and cleared the examination with high marks was awarded by PadmaShri Solomon Pappiah on behalf of Annai Tamil Mandram.
AV was released on screen for the debate stars Padma Shri Solomon pappaiah, Mrs.Bharathi Baskar and Mr.Raja.
The debate show took place along with Mr.Ramaraj, Mr.Bala Murugan and Mr.Raja on one side and the other side team had Mrs.Bhavani Premanadh ,Ms.Shena Sultana and Mrs.Barathi Baskar on the topic.

This debate show had a crowd of more than 1600 people and it was a grand success event for Annai Tamil Mandram. Finally the Event Co-ordinator Mr. Palanichamy was Honored by Padmashri Solomon Pappiah. And the vote of thanks shared by Mr. Pradeep. He is the Assistant secretary of social welfare department in Annai Tamil Mandram.