Art And Culture


By Rema Pisharody

Mirror in a wall

reflects a portrait,

Of us in a medium,

Which artfully covers

The endless pain

sorrows, summers

And rains for us

In a captivating silken smile..

It is not transformation, 

It is a pact our heart

And mind endorse

On our  face to hide

The cascading emotions, 

Like in magic

To prove a watchful

World that how splendid

our dreams and dawns!

We reflect a self through a mirror

In one smile of spring.

Perhaps in solitude

Deep inside  our heart

We cry a river of sorrow

With no mirror around,

To reflect our true self..

By Rema Pisharody

Rema Pisharody

Rema Pisharody is a writer from Bangalore. She is an environmentalist and a nature lover. She holds a Masters in Sociology and is a former employee of BPL Corporate Office, Bangalore. Poetry for her is soul search, to find the innermost being. She is one of the prize recipients of the Prestegious Prime India Poetry Contest and Haven International Poetry Contest. She writes on global platforms and now resides in Bangalore. She is on the editorial board of Sarga Women's Magazine and the Vice President of Creative Women.

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