Art And Culture

Equality- an illusion?

My school books aroused a great distaste
I believe they’re just illusory based

They paint portraits of gender equality
Those portraits which are unknown to our society

The portrayals of peace and love that are scripted
In reality, are nothing but, restricted

The sight of discrimination leaves me in vain
Will I be ever free from this pain?

I fantasize in plunging to the ocean of impartiality
I crave for the mankind to be free from its brutality

Saaj Chowdhury

Saaj Chowdhury is an Indian born in Bahrain who hails from the city of joy, Kolkata. She is an aspiring doctor. Besides that, she is fascinated by poetry, believing it is the finest means of expressing her inner feelings. Her first works were published in a book called ‘The Sibling Slam Book,’ which is a collection of poems reflecting the loving bond between siblings. As learned in biology, acquired traits cannot be passed on to children; however, she says that she stands out from this concept as both her grandmother and father excelled in poetry writing, and she has inherited this trait. She believes that this trait has played a key role in her growth, as she has realised that her creative side is a powerful tool that can help her achieve her dreams.

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