Art And Culture


Travelling a distant earth is safe
When wounds are unhealed
Behind the satin curtains
When clearly seen the shadows
Conspiring with swords and arrows,
Real or unreal? not known,
Not certain then its’ best
To pull that hillside view and run
Into a noiseless valley of solitude
It hurts more, perhaps
However it is much safe an earth
To meditate in caves of the savants
To silence the pain
Yes, a few seasons in series
Let down the branches of hope
In edge to edge, leaf to leaf,
Yet there flowers all around
Of spring and music of windchimes
Fate that has tossed in depth
The castle of verse as in like a proverb
What is left around and within?
A few alphabets,
An ice mountain, a few droplets of rain
And a torned satin dream!
There no escape even in escapades
There follows the stoic challenges
Of wounded heart and splintered mind
Etwined in hidden tenacious crust
Secretly a million soldiers fight a war
Deep within to overpower
The otherwise gentle kind soul..
Covered in mist down the valley of earth
There this distinct modest call arises
From the cambers of conscience
To escape from all the annoying battles
A voice deep down calms a while
Destiny not always guards all escapades
Not even heals a tiny moment of sorrow
Eventually life mends a path of survival
To take the line of fate as it is,
To rejoice in one sanctuary
Of turmoil and peace….

Rema Pisharody

Rema Pisharody is a writer from Bangalore. She is an environmentalist and a nature lover. She holds a Masters in Sociology and is a former employee of BPL Corporate Office, Bangalore. Poetry for her is soul search, to find the innermost being. She is one of the prize recipients of the Prestegious Prime India Poetry Contest and Haven International Poetry Contest. She writes on global platforms and now resides in Bangalore. She is on the editorial board of Sarga Women's Magazine and the Vice President of Creative Women.

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